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The trend of shutting down / charging steeply for API access has fundamentally changed the internet.

The whole point of the Internet up until about 2019 was that it was so cheap to host information it was basically free. If your site scaled up, you covered the hosting costs with ads or donations or something. The expensive part was finding content, so "user generated content" sites had to entice users to post stuff. That resulted in an implicit social contract with the users; these sites lived in fear of the users taking their content elsewhere.

Now the Web is expensive for some reason, and users have become so dependent on a small number of sites as a communications medium that the megacorporations running them feel like they have infinite leverage, and the social contract of user-generated content is completely forgotten.

Hosting information isn't expensive, trying to justify your billion dollar valuation is.

Back to the old web scrapping you go.

Yep. Short-sighted companies don't realize that API was a truce, to save money and increase security (e.g. giving user/pass to third-party clients -> OAuth) on both sides. But anything that can be displayed, can be scraped... https://www.eff.org/issues/analog-hole

I honestly don't know what to think of this time. On one hand it's sad in principle to see Reddit and Twitter lock down to the point they have.

But on the other hand they'd both already become cesspools by that time, and I was still visiting them daily. And now I've quit them both which is a good thing.

First time I'm hearing of raptor codes which seems a lot more efficient for this use case which I had until now been using KCP for.

Obligatory dogpack404 link [1]

[1] https://www.youtube.com/@DogPack404

who is dogpack404, and why is posting their links obligatory?

Dogpack404 is a former mrbeast employee currently exposing mrbeast for varying misconduct, such as faking his videos, running illegal lotteries through his videos, doing a crypto pump n dump, making fraudulent claims about his merch, inhumane treatment of contestants and harbouring multiple sex offenders at his company. The list goes on and Dogpack404 is not the only one currently exposing things like this, but is maybe the most prominent.

Cool interface!

Only thing I worry is that this will make it easier for data scientists to determine from where people are commenting from, on HN.

What does the author mean by "pale, male and stale"?

It's a sort of casual bigotry. Currently fashionable in circles which should know better.

It's snarky self-deprecation, and a concession about the changing demographics of the sf/f community over time, and particularly online. I seriously doubt Charles Stross is actually bigoted against white people.

But of course this being Hacker News, we don't grok humor.

Meh. The neckbeards deserve it.

White, male and old.

Example usage (found randomly by google, likely can find others):


Interestingly, google's search results indicate the phrase may be (currently) a UK thing (based on the domains of the results).

White, male, and older (or perhaps "out of touch"), with the rhyming indicating that he's trying not to be too serious about it.

Old white men

slippery elm. iykyk

I did a small test a year and a half ago (very basic) and it was already funny xD


I guess there's going to be a flood of JEJ AI.

Unfortunately, the majority of people in America don’t even care or have a clue outside of the tech circles and maybe a bit more of the outer ring.

That said, this is changing for the better.

> With Stealth enabled, your Proton VPN connection will be almost completely undetectable.

In their defense, they're basically saying this doesn't do anything since it's still detectable.

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