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> I've been shouting from the rooftops for years that math[0] courses need more context.

A slightly different perspective: It used to be common for professors to teach a lot of history in graduate algebra courses. (Generation X and older.) I've talked to students from a few other schools who experienced this. None of us cared for it at the time. My teacher spent at least two class periods writing down the history on the board. We were all quite bored. But then again, we were in math grad school, so there was no need to try to motivate us.

I used Gentoo on the Desktop from 2002-2007. It was very popular back then. Daniel Robbins created the project, and later left for personal reasons (IIRC). He tried to return to the project, but some of the leadership was not welcoming, so he forked and created the Funtoo project. I think most people who never used Gentoo would not know about Funtoo.

> left for personal reasons

Afaik he was hired by Microsoft and didn't have the time to do Gentoo with the new job, so the Gentoo Foundation was setup. When he left Microsoft year or two later he asked to come back but there were disagreements in direction with the Foundation so he created Funtoo instead.

I expect the same. The phone prices are astronomical due to political corruption, in part, and right wing judges usually side with the corrupt in cases like this.

> ... the problem with running debian is that fixes are often not backported, specifically for things end users will care about, like libre office

I don't disagree completely with your general sentiment, but the latest version of Libreoffice is available today in Bookworm backports.

"...hasn't ever been..." is not true. Someone above posted an earlier statement from the archive.

The article is wrong. The drain hose from my air gap to the garbage disposal became clogged over time where it bends slightly, so I had to remove it and clean out the collected gunk. The gunk was just coagulated food particles, so I believe pre-rinsing dishes would have slowed this down considerably.

Well maybe if you loved your dishwasher, the environment and your children you would be using Cascade Platinum Plus Ultimate Eclipse Edition 2000 tabs to avoid hose gunk!?

Perhaps operating costs were more expensive than just hiring humans to run it like a traditional grocery store?

I'm in southern California as well, and my gas bill in dollars per therm are not at historic lows. However, price per therm did not double this winter like it did last winter...so far.

You don't have to throw it away. Just ground it and test.

> The difference is that their actual competitor is the government.

I think the government is more of an enabler, than a competitor. At least up until now.

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