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Rackspace, Indymedia, 2004. Ancient precedent by now.

Ah, see, should've given 'em to us! Big rectangular state, you know, #3 machine owner at the time. We didn't charge overhead, probably because it never occurred to us to do it.

People brought machines, we gave 'em quota. Easy enough.

So glad to not be doing that any more.

I know the service! The folks in NY had the state flag by their cubicle. My team in 2007-2011 was probably one of the largest users and I think I donated machines to y'all in the old Groningen cluster, before quotas were automated. GFS didn't charge for chunkserver overhead, either, and that mistake took years and lots of pain to fix...

Maaaaaaybe ID 10150136890464739. Maybe.

Didn’t work logged-out, but I’ll try again if I ever reactivate my account. Thanks!

Imagine it as "I want to have a http://foo/~me/ type path where I can park 5 TB of stuff and other people can fetch from it when they feel like it".

5 TB of data made available, not 5 TB of transfer/bandwidth/etc.

If only there was something that broadcast the availability of services including the port they're on...

Some kind of a … network map? :)

Some sort of way to say “hello”.

Maybe we could jazz it up a little by using a foreign language in the name. Europe is such a historic place, perhaps one of their languages: "Guten Tag", "Hola" or maybe even "Goddag"

I wish I had taken a picture of that shirt before it had been run through the wash a few times. It used to look a whole lot better!

But yeah, that video was epic, and it was spot-on, too. A company that has no idea how to deal with people is going to suck at making tools _for_ people.

Yes please. People trying to discuss those topics on here makes me come back less. It’s probably the worst part of the site for me overall.

Would you be interested in a wrapper around hacker news that lets you filter to only technical discussions?

(I'm already playing with wrapping it so that probably isn't hard to add)

If I could filter all politics out of hacker news that would be great. the comments especially are filled with "useful idiots"

I have filtered a lot of politics on twitter by blocking prominent politicians and mute words.

> the comments especially are filled with "useful idiots"

Does such a broad brush add to the discussion?

Disagreement can be healthy. I'd say the varied political and philosophical perspectives of HN and Slashdot contributed a lot to changing my worldview. (Hopefully for the better, though we're all still learning.)

I'm simply not at all interested in political topics here and don't care about the (potential) healthy disagreement. Those threads always derail and spiral to opinions and "us vs. them" mentality.

Never have I found a political comment section here that helped me emerge enlightened. I tried for years, eventually gave up and I'm objectively feeling better because of it.

I added a flag for technical and then sort it by hot [1]. I just needed to train a classifier so there's less manual classification needed.

Maybe something like a naive bayes [0] will work? I'm not sure if it's the best dataset. I could make my own dataset by just looking at how many removed comments there are :P

I haven't implemented a classifier before so it may take me a few days. If you'd like to be notified when it's actually working send me an email at info@{the site name}

[0] - https://www.kaggle.com/kinguistics/classifying-news-headline...

[1] - https://efficientdemocracy.com/technical-and-hot

Happened on the Golden Gate Bridge in 2007. No Teslas involved, naturally, but people sometimes do honorable things to stop an otherwise runaway vehicle.

> Beatty took bold and immediate action. He drove his Ford F-350 Super Duty utility truck in front of the Jeep and allowed it to essentially crash into the back of his vehicle so it would latch on, according to bridge officials. He then "slowly and safely" guided the Jeep across the bridge's southbound lanes and brought it to rest in a safe area, away from the flow of traffic.

edit: This was pre-divider, so a runaway vehicle on the GGB could have made quite a mess by crossing into oncoming traffic.

No, I’m the one missing something. It tends to make people assume I don’t know what’s up technically.

Based on your experiences, I am going to assume you are not in the same situation. You will likely have better results for an otherwise identical request.

Have a good day.

I've never had technicians be sexist to me but they've definitely been condescending and think I don't know what I'm talking about.

They didn't refuse you service, because you never explicitly asked. I think if you just said "please just take my money and replace the battery like I ask" they almost certainly would have.

I actually have had people be condescending to me as well. I've found it simplest to just say - sounds great! Could we try X first? I'll pay. Oh, that worked, cool!

Even better, if it doesn't you haven't annoyed someone too much who now has to do the fix they suggested.

Flip side - union workers at some telecom co's are hilarious -

me: "why are you here?" them "I don't know, they told me to roll the truck." me: "OK - but this is a software thing and they fixed it online yesterday?" them "OK - I'll sit in my truck for 2 hours reading. Can I run some diagnostics after that so it logs my visit as a success?" me: "Sure!"

Reality though - I love that they actually send someone - because then if it is not fixed yet it tends to get fixed if their guy is sitting there!

Ah! You are in fact correct. It's so long ago, I screwed up the term for it. ExpressCard it is.

In the words of everyone who's ever done a small fix, "reload".

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