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... So that the content of the chats isn't trivially read by unauthorised third parties?

An attempt to avoid unnecessary harm, I'd guess.

To see what they do?

Because it will be more damning if they ignore something significant they had explained to them?

You're misusing probability and ignoring critical information.

There's 1000 red marbles added to a jar with 8000 blue marbles (9000 total). Take three marbles from the jar randomly, one at a time. The odds of getting three red marbles is ~0.14%. That's all.

Tor nodes are not randomly picked marbles. The Tor network is not a jar.

they’re using probability correctly. if you have a critique state it clearly

> confidence inspiring

I don't want them to try to sell me something. If they were making bold claims as you suggest I would be more concerned.

The truth isn't confidence inspiring, the truth can be even without selling something, its not here.

There is a risk that the network is compromised at any moment and cannot be relied upon, except for your own personal risk tolerance on the activity you are interested in.

Apologies but I could only think of a trade-on.

Haxe makes it really easy to get started and get a feel for things, just have a go! I found the opposite with Typescript, where it seemed like I had to already be a javascript developer to use it.

What/who is haxe.io?

The Haxe blog[0] has been quiet since 2021, which I assume the parent comment was referring to. Not sure what the 2024 news is though...

[0] https://haxe.org/blog/

Oh, Idk how the blog differ from the roundups, but they’ve been pretty active with the posts there.

I found it through the website aswell so I guess it’a something from the Haxe team.

> “the overreliance on similar tools” brings about “a lack of diversity”

> making any sound theoretically possible at virtually no cost

> “music is not as valued by young people. There is no sweat equity put into obtaining it, having it be part of your collection, having it be a part of your identity, of who you are.”

> The ease of creation has caused “an oversaturation of music, making it harder to find really exceptional things.”

> Music, in short, has become both too easy to produce and too easy to consume.

So breaking it down:

- everything sounds the same because it's all made with the same technology

- the technology that everyone is dependent on is capable of producing anything you can imagine

- nobody works hard enough to make music

- there's too much music

- finding good music is too hard

- nobody works hard enough to find good music

> It would be easy for anyone ... to dismiss Beato’s argument as that of a middle-aged man reflexively insisting that things were better in his day, when we knew the value of an album.

Seriously, the very idea of this tool is deeply offensive. It's speedrunning inaccessibility.

Whether its success rate is 50% or 95%, the percentage where it doesn't work is always (obviously!) going to predominantly be made of people who are already at some disadvantage in society. The people who are already more likely to be having a shit time are going to have the shittiest time getting forced to deal with this crap. Then all the people who fit the parameters can say "oh, it always works for me". Cool.

> when you have to get through 1000 captchas

Seriously, thanks for not using Google Chrome.

You might also be interested in Dr Geoff Lindsey's video on 'vocal fry'[0] which is a linguistic phenomenon also associated with young women (although it isn't that simple). Dr Lindsey's channel is totally bitchin' like you wouldn't believe. You'll love it! I'm sure.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0yL2GezneU

When you mentioned vocal fry and I saw a YT link I thought I was going to see this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHHt-tYS2es

It's a shame it didn't get renewed.

> Dr Lindsey's channel is totally bitchin' like you wouldn't believe.

On god fr fr no cap.

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