Possessive is also contraction: "x's" <- "xes" <- "x his". No citation, but I read that somewhere. Interesting that it started out so primitive-seeming.
I'm afraid that's not true. The 's particle comes from one of the many Old English genitive case endings, namely -es (no apostrophe of course).
Interestingly, this "his genitive" emerged as a backformation of this genitive ending in the 13th century, not only in English but in a few other Germanic languages as well, before dying out a few hundred years later in some of them.
Out of date. Reinforcement Learning makes truly ‘smart’ actions, courses of action. Calling something ‘curve fitting’ pooh poohs it (especially ‘just’ curve fitting) - calling it ‘distilling’ gives it the respect that it deserves.
It looks to me like it could be an assignment to const, or, a copy vs a non-copy - it’s not obvious at all. I’m sure:
was fought over and rejected, but that’s what I’d have expected conditional assignment to look like.
It is not "conditional assignment" tho. It is an assignment which returns the assigned value. You can use it in conditions, but you can also use it elsewhere.
Are you thinking of the way ints and chars (and floating-point types!) inter-convert? That is a weakness or convenience, but otherwise the typing is pretty strong.
> VAMPIRE has a special mode for working with very large knowledge bases and can answer queries to them.
Does this mean it can somewhat replace Prolog? I forget why Prolog doesn't use full logic, but, does Vampire find a way to get around the need for Prolog's more limited, Horn clauses? Anyone know?