I guess git seems complicated when you go deeper into it. I just learnt the basic stuff (add, commit, push, pull, checkout and create branch, status, stash and reset merge) and haven't gone beyond it. I remember seeing some post on HN on how to make git easier to use and the person had written some aliases of commands that I had never even seen/used before!
I'm in a similar situation at my second project, in my first project I had a lot of work but in this project I barely have anything to do, I probably work less than 10 hours in a week atm and I'm fine with it until I switch to another job.
but i just wish there were some talented engineering teams at the leading browser creators (cough couch google, mozilla, MS, apple, etc) that would integrate this as a first class feature. a design goal, not a supported extension.
Firefox has a decent bookmark system. What I do usually is star it (one click) and I think you need to click it again to edit it, you can then add tags to it.
i think if there was any browser to add something like raindrop natively it would be vivaldi. they seem to do a lot things differently than other browsers
nicknames cannot be used as tags since it doesn't support auto complete/filter by tag etc.
You should really check out FF tag system.Its really awesome.Vivaldi doesn't stand a chance.