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I built something just like this, but I found everyone would drop there tracks and never look at anybody else's stuff. I shut it down as it ended up being kidn of pointless.

It doesn't make sense because artistic tastes are idiosyncratic, making popularity as the sole criterion worthless, and the volume of art work overwhelms anyone's ability to even superficially consider.

The only scalable solution is to use machine learning, as all the big players do. They're never going to be much better than Spotify. I'd be surprised if they got even close.

I suppose there might be a use case for A&R types who are on the hunt for new material, rather than casual listeners.

Good points here. What we want to achieve is something akin to the 'support' act before a headline set. Where a more successful artist champions a smaller artist because they like what they are doing. With this site the goal is for artists to share fans to help grow their fan base. This version is the first step towards that. If that makes any sense :)

So it's a site for musicians. Then say so, and lean into it.

As I said before tastes are idiosyncratic so it makes no sense to have a single leaderboard. I would multi-tag each track by genre and language so users can rank by the subsets of tags that interest them. Ask musicians what other features they would value.

You are spot on, we don’t yet say enough that this is primarily an artist centred platform. We want this to be a place that artists share fans and get discovered by industry and playlisters so I think making this clear is key. Thanks for the input!

We are already collect genre data so will switch it on and have leaderboards when there is enough tracks of each genre. Just need to build up the pool of tracks and active artists first and prove the concept.

I haven't had to be an interviewee in 6+ years, but I can understand why people are upset. Competing with other applicants who spend dozens of hours per week memorizing leetcode solutions sounds not fun.

Glad to have found this! I've been looking for something like this because I'm working on a fun, quick side project and don't want to use something boring like bootstrap for it.

Thanks for checking it out. That behavior is intentional and mirrors apps like Tinder and Bumble. Swiping left means you aren't interested in the profile and won't see it again.

Got a lot of feedback for needing a neutral skip, so that's on my list.

Also considering replacing the swiping UI entirely, as many people here pointed out that it's not really ideal.

Updated both app stores to make it available in the UK, might take a bit to take effect

Updated both app stores so it's available in the UK and Australia. Unsure how fast it takes effect.

Ah thanks! I don't know how I missed #2, but both are easy fixes and I'll knock em out.

Ah, I wasn't aware of the connotation. Luckily, this post is the only place where I've described it in that way.

Yep, just 2 cents from me! Excited to see how the app develops!

I didn't want to release the app without proper translations for the target countries. FYI - I haven't yet implemented the feature to toggle off "local-only" artists.

Which language do you think is most popular in the UK? :)

Not American!

We apologize for the inconvenience, but unfortunately, our specialized app is not authorized to operate or cash checks from your financial center due to a catalog of regionalized legal financial terminology, and therefore, we cannot fulfill a properly personalized vernacular experience.

Unfortunately, this language barrier also prohibits any user dialog about future support for your neighborhood. See ya, buddy! Aluminum!


(Disclaimer - Not actually associated with the site, but having lived in both countries, I feel so very qualified to clear things up.)

Fun fact: "-ize" is a valid British spelling (but "-yze", e.g. in "analyze" isn't!)

See https://www.oed.com/dictionary/apologize_v & https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_spelling

My tongue in cheek take :)


I’m imagining a version of your app where the artist profile display is a solid color (chosen by the artist), the profile is an audio clip, and when the second person swipes right, it displays a text box that sends a message to the other person.

In v2, you could add profile pics, but the hard part would be finding artists similar to previously “liked” ones.

Is there a foundation model for music yet? If so, I think it’s just a matter of sticking an embedding for each audio clip into pgvector or whatever.

Anyway, since the gui has no text, you get internationalization on day one!

> I didn't want to release the app without proper translations for the target countries.

Not a valid reason. No-one in my country cares whether an app is translated or not. In fact, I find it kind of patronizing that you feel the need to shelter us like that. I always set the language to English even if the app has first-class translations.

> I haven't yet implemented the feature to toggle off "local-only" artists.

That's a valid reason.

IMO English only is better than nothing, support can always be added later. I live in Finland and guess the probability of translation to Finnish is somewhere on the order of 0.1%. It’s also not really needed since a large majority of people here under the age of 50 speak English pretty well.

Same for the Netherlands. Fun fact: a majority of Dutch people prefers to have their apps in English.

The internet would have never existed with that kind of thinking.

Imagine if every website needed to be translated to 500 languages before you can order a domain.

Esp ironic, since I absolutely hate seeing my native language (icelandic) in UI translations... It's rare and when it's translated I have to translate the text to the English counterpart in my head before I grok the thing.

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