There is no easy way to say this, and certainly no easy way to hear it. I am writing this on the evening of August 7th, 2018. Jerry died last night.
He's been in poor health, but this wasn't expected and Dani is coping with all of the things that need to be done. I told her that I would announce it to his friends and colleagues on Facebook, since she doesn't use social media.
I've been using the things he taught me a lot this summer, with some challenging personal and professional situations. I'm so glad I managed to tell him that while he could still hear it.
Knowing him made me a better person. His life goal was to empower Smart People to Be Happy. He succeeded.
I suspect the same thing. There's NEVER anything in this industry that is a coincidence. You might not get a lot of people agreeing with you right now, but just wait a few months and your comment will be spot on.
According to various analysts, Saudi Arabia is sitting on an ocean of oil that they can't possibly find a buyer for until renewables take over completely.
Not an Infowars fan, but I see "hate speech" being used as a reason to ban alternative views a lot lately. Let's say he was indeed engaging in hate speech (I haven't verified this): hate speech is still speech, no?
Edit: thanks for the downvotes, can we not have a discussion about this? Should we ban hateful books too? I happen to have learned a lot from historically hateful books.
I think the ban is legal, yes, and in this case I also think it's correct. But correct on what terms? I'm not really sure where I draw the line between "hate speech" and not.
No, we don't need any further discussion about hate speech, any more than we need further discussion on whether murder is bad, or torture is acceptable.
We need swift and clear action to remove it from the commons.
That’s just the magic of using old php forum software. This is just phpBB running behind nginx on a cheap digitalocean droplet. It’s just not using a bunch of heavy JavaScript or anything like most modern software, so even though it’s not a SPA it is still very speedy.
I wish I had done this in 2015. I lost the only pictures of my now deceased dog in Google Drive when I was locked out for no reason. Except I didn't regain access because I didn't make a popular Reddit or blog post.
Apparently Google's "customer service" runs as follows:
1. Don't provide any customer service email address.
2. Don't provide any contact form.
3. Don't provide any phone number.
4. Don't respond when people resort to sending snail mail.
(Yes really I tried and I'm not the only one).
5. Provide a forum where 999/1000 posts don't get a response.
6. Suddenly respond if it affects public relations. (ea. a popular Reddit post).
Google is just far too big. They don't have time for you. There are loads of smaller service providers that are great with customer service and don't use scripts that will randomly ban your account.
You can proxy DNS requests through SOCKS proxies and trough normal ones but it’s not common or at least airtight (e.g. a none http/https resource request can bypass proxy even in Chrome, addons, flash and other system calls also may be used to reveal the original IP), and proxies do not preserve HTTPS without being able to MITM it, if you want to anonymize something use TOR at least non-state actors likely can’t trace the source of the request since no one is operating enough nodes and has the capability to run timing analysis on the entire network.
If you have something that is sensitive enough to require anonymity you do not want to disclose it to another party.
Proxies are also finicky my honeypot tries DNS resolving via multiple vectors including applets, flash and more recently the dns.resolve API Firefox implemented with 60 onwards.
I also return an SSL cert and use OCSP and CRL resolutions to try and get the actual IP address.
Overall proxies and OpenVPN provides are unasked in about 50% of the cases TOR in the high single digits and im not doing anything super sophisticated.
You can ofc go beyond that and fingerprint the browser, use zero days or abuse headless browsers or other frameworks but I’m not that bored yet.
It can ofc, but the question is always what do you do with the content :)
But in any case anything that is too sensitive to send from your own IP should not be sent over a medium that you have no ability to verify if it's being logged and by whom.
Open proxy operators aren't charities most of them are dubious at best.
If you want anonymity cryptocurrency VPS in data heaven jurisdiction or TOR is the best way to go, if you don't need that much anonymity than "proven" no-logging VPN providers are also better since they guarantee higher privacy than unauthenticated open proxies.