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Not sure if OP is the builder, but a question. How did you/he thermally couple the cpu and gpu dies to the case? Is it really just air?

EDIT: Saw the LH6 heat pipes. That's super neat!

You have two options.

1 - You can use a thermal pad which is not recommended by the vendor.

2 - You can used thermal past which is the option I went wish. So far it is working well. Obviously not practical if you plan on changing parts often but I don't forecast doing this.

From the comment you seek to demote:

>The outside people who express the most interest in your welfare seem bent on curating you like an artifact.

I think you might have let your bias alter your reception of their comment.

You talkin bout God?


One for example: https://www.wri.org/blog/2018/09/when-tree-falls-it-deforest...

Land is cleared to make room for cattle grazing and for crops used to feed animals.

ie- meat

Legislation states bans on shipping to San Francisco addresses.

I know. It's unenforceable.

Yay proper use of a positive feedback loop.

Yay proper use of a positive feedback loop.

If AI is going to learn from the information that exists in reality.. a biased world.. it will inherit those biases. Artificially removing these biases from an AI would essentially be altering it's understanding of objective reality.. and that doesn't sound great either.

Organized religion sure, you could make that argument.

Anthropologists and historians often argue that religion and spirituality - in their purest forms - are actually a coping mechanism that humans evolved into. Think of the hunter gatherer cultures - or even before language was invented. Every moment not spent hunting and gathering and reproducing, they would spend worshiping the sun, or trees, or turtles, anything. An expression of wonder and albeit servitude to the mystery of life. It wasn't until Pharoahs that we started to worship humans (which could be where we screwed up =/ ). Nonetheless, this is how people have made sense of their existence. Still in present days, even absurdists (myself) or atheists/agnostics are just doing their best to apply logic to an existence that doesn't make a lick of sense. We're still searching for a concrete reason for being. I think it's hilariously unlikely, and so amazing that a billion years of wandering stardust turned into an organism that strives to question where it came from. Just wow.

If I could convince you read one book, I would choose "Be Here Now" by Ram Das. It is by no means ordinary english literature - but it's a fantastic journey inside and outside of yourself.

I've read all your comments in this thread, and it sounds like you've spent quite a lot of time in despair - and I want to share my sympathies with you. Love will always be able to bring us out from those dark places. Hey...Obi-Wan Kenobi said so.

Great Idea...but better make sure it's not hosted on the internet.

How do we convince the wealthy elite classes on our planet that - in order to have the highest odds of sustaining our species in a way that WE desire, it will require the strength of every human being, which will require individual investment to foster each human's strengths for the time we live in ?

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