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The article references this study: http://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/publications/economic...

... which is based on the rate of response to resumes that were identical except for age, submitted to thousands of job openings.

There's also the whistleblower info that forms the basis of the RJ Reynolds lawsuit, which states they explicitly told recruiters to avoid experienced candidates in favor of people two or three years out of college.

This allegedly resulted in a unusually low number of people over 40 being hired (19 out of 1000). Similar statistics have been used recently in lawsuits against Yahoo and Google for alleged gender and age discrimination (still pending, afaik)

Even "resolutionary"?

I don't know if it qualifies as "good", but the internet has coined a term for it: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wahjah

The accompanying coffee table book is pretty great too.

Bringing up a comment he made on pedophilia and some vague allegations about him inviting young guys into his room is certainly sticking your finger somewhere.

But oh, right, other people said those things, not you. You're just reporting, in a comment thread about the man's uncertain physical health, asking if it's "acceptable" to wish him well.

Well, they also have the benefit of being compact which can be beneficial in complex audio applications, but I agree that they generally suck and would almost always be better off as a slider.

You mean, for example, using Safari to debug mobile Safari / webview-based apps? That'll get you about 80% there, but environment differences (i.e., memory and processor limitations) on the device and quirky rendering behavior in mobile webkit almost always result in weird bugs that traditionally have required a lot of poking around blindly to fix. Differences between the simulator and the actual device are fairly common too.

It's only fairly recently that useful debugging tools like this and the built-in iOS 5 stuff have emerged.

I thought that didn't work on the actual device, which frequently is different enough from the simulator that Catalyst could still be extremely useful.

Also, I've never looked into it, but is there any comparable built-in debugging method for Android?

Yup, same here. Still, the overall concept is interesting and potentially useful enough that I'm going to try it out.

I haven't gotten far enough to give a good review, but you do know they have the whole thing online for free as an "Open Feedback Publishing System" project, right? http://ofps.oreilly.com/titles/9781449398583/

I did not know that, thanks!!

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