No, I am asking about a blog that someone wrote about buying and each and every step that they went through. I am looking to read up something that gives me perspective from buyer's end.
I currently work here and I have started to like this place as the first and foremost PEOPLE are awesome coz you don't want to work in a toxic place. There are around 7 openings and the pay is good as well.
Link is for folks who are interested to learn about JD... We work mostly with Swift (pure) and Microsoft technologies (even I though hated Microsoft products, but Azure is awesome product after Excel)... Definitely apply ASAP if you are in Chicago.
Also please mention my name (Sana) if you apply, can make some bonuses (though we don't have a referal program but we never know of the future).
Logistics in India. If you solve this, Flipkart, Snapdeal and everyone else will buy your services. The reason for this varying state tax laws and shitty bureaucrat
Varying taxes issue is also something in the US. Wouldn't it be possible to solve it by creating a giant spreadsheet and just mapping it all out and then turning that into a service?
Thanks. I wanted to display the whole month view... But I will take your advice on displaying a weekly view or a monthly view depending the on the screen size.