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There's also [devbox](https://github.com/jetify-com/devbox).

Tried a lot of them, and after a while I found the nix the package manager on non NixOS requires too many workarounds. Things don't just work. For example, installing alacritty requires an OpenGL wrapper. Neovim can't find libraries to build some plugins. Basically, anything GUI had issues.

In the end, `cargo install`, `go install` and download a release archive from github are simpler to script for most of the tools I use.

This has been a consistent problem for me as well; Nix is way too concerned about purity. I think it comes from a desire to make package installation fast by using prebuilt binaries. I personally could give or take the prebuilt binary concept; nice to have but I'm willing to pay the time cost to be able to run things on non-NixOS systems.

ASP is an odd name to an old hat like me. Active Server Pages haven't been a thing in a while.

You see, this is where it gets confusing. ASP refers to a specific technology, active server pages, but it's also the overarching term used for anything to do with dotnet and the web. So you get this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/choo... - you can have an entirely frontend SPA, in at least two ways, and still be called "ASP.NET"

I have an application which only serves over GRPC. It has to pull in "Asp.Net" nuget packages, because that's the branding under which the Kestrel HTTP2 server lives.

What perfect timing, I started going down the GJS (Javascript) route for a custom app. Maybe it's time to build a Go + templ like package w/ GTK4 widgets.

Wasn't understanding the graphics in the README until I used light mode.

I'd say the big shift for companies was Windows 3.1 for Workgroups which displaced Novell Netware. And for the masses, Windows 95 was the "start".

Awesome WM has nested GTK widgets similar to what you describe, a testament to the flexibility of Lua's uber table.

FoxPro for me :)

Yes!! Foxpro!! I knew I had omitted something but couldn't recollect what it was.

Another plus is Ventoy can install Windows 11 without secure boot, TPM from an official MS ISO. Some Linux distros cannot install with those features enabled.

That's close to the route I took, although I switched to Visual Basic 5 later on no thanks to job opportunities. Still don't feel anything rivals Delphi for GUI development. VCL was genius.

Philippines too

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