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It's great physical exercise, I get to spend time outside, set challenges / gradually achieve them, and express my creativity through movement.

How dangerous is parkour? I always wanted to pick it up but was always hesitant due to risk of injury.

All the parkour I do is at ground level (no rooftops), but even still running and jumping at walls can be dangerous if you slip. All of my injuries since starting 7 months ago have come from slipping on a thin landing (like a rail) and banging my shins on it.

That being said, the great thing about parkour is there are no rules. You can practice only at indoor gyms if you like, or do slower movements. Personally, all the jumps I attempt I'm 95% certain I can do them.

So, yes, it can be dangerous, but at the end of the day it's your choice in how you practice. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat more :)

Congratulations, Slip looks awesome as well! I see only 5 languages are supported right now. Do you have any plans on adding more?

Yeah I plan on adding pretty much all the major popular languages. As well as support for things like Jupyter Notebooks and React

This quote about the V programming language surprised me, because I had the exact opposite experience.

> it was the unfriendly community I came across, the controversy surrounding it, and the secretive nature of the project that made me lose faith in its promise.

I know V has some controversy around it, but the community has always been open and kind in my experience.

You are 100% correct, this was a mis-characterization by me due to a misunderstanding I had. I've updated this section of the article to explain.

The vulnerability lies in the registration page disclosing that information. To show absolutely no signs, you would accept the registration with a message: "An email has been sent to the provided address."

Obviously this is less convenient and arguably not a critical vulnerability for GitHub. The good news is, the registration page doesn't disclose which account an email address is associated with.

I was in a similar position a few months ago. After reading the Rust Book, I felt I knew the concepts but still lacked the experience of writing Rust programs.

That being said, I have found the Rust track on exercism.io the best way for me to become more proficient with the language. It is great working through a challenge, getting mentor feedback, and also seeing how others solved the same problem.

Exercism.io looks interesting. I wonder though, how is it free though?

Looks like they are a non-profit and partially staffed by volunteers. Very cool!


Take a look at V. It's like the love child of Rust and Go. It's extremely fast (both compiling and executing), has simple syntax with "one way to do things", has sum types and option/results with enforced error checking, and it even has a REPL.

Oh not to mention it has C interoperability and a native cross-platform GUI library.


Good leaders are people who teach others to grow, progress, and ultimately become their own leaders. Most managers aren't incentivized to grow their engineers because it would mean losing them. I find it hard to fully trust my manager because I know my best interests are only partially in their mind. They also need to care about the business and their own position, which usually carries more weight than how I want to grow my career.

Mentors are definitely a great resource! Of all the learning activities I have tried, having a real person to talk to and ask questions has been the most effective and motivating.

For those who want an easy (and free!) mentor system for learning various programming languages, try Exercism [1]. I have been using it to learn Rust and Clojure.

[1] https://exercism.io

> but we can hijack it to instead scan the screen for URLs and open the browser

For comparison, rxvt-unicode has perl utils for mouse-less URL selection [1]. Since it's operating within the terminal, scrollback is also available for selection (not just the currently visible screen).

After invoking the selection mode, it's as easy as using j/k to choose the URL and Enter to open or y to yank to clipboard. Installed on Arch with the `urxvt-perls` package.

[1] https://github.com/johntyree/urxvt-perls

Hey HN, I made this tool to start or stop printing a file at a first match. It's pretty simple but would be happy to receive feedback and feature ideas.


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