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The Limits of the Singapore Housing Model https://marketurbanism.com/2020/08/05/the-limits-of-the-sing...

It's an interesting article but their conclusion appears to be:

> Haila argues that “Singapore has solved the housing problem” but this certainly isn’t true for those shut out from the HDB system.

So it works for the people included, and not for the people excluded. Which is another way of saying it works?

No. The US housing system works for the people included, which is the existing homeowners. Plenty of housing systems work like that.

Here the people excluded are non-residents and non-citizens. So the system works for all residents and citizens, to whom the government is beholden. It could just as easily be extended to include foreign workers, and they've been moving in that direction already. This is an explicit decision not an implicit one. It's not that the system wouldn't be able to support them due to some fundamental or intrinsic issue, it's a choice. That isn't true of the US model.

You have to follow Marcel Weiher's work on combinators aka connectors.

The following article references his work on in-process rest, polymorphic identifiers, and storage combinators.

What Alan Kay Got Wrong About Objects


Here's an ACM SIGPLAN talk he gave on storage combinators...

Storage Combinators @ SPLASH'19


The ACM SIGPLAN talk is a very good starting place to get an understanding what he is talking about.

> The ACM SIGPLAN talk is a very good starting place to get an understanding what he is talking about.

What's the big difference from just using composition like we've done for ages?

I mean, his examples in that talk was very reminiscent of stuff I've been doing for many years, and I don't consider myself to be special in any way. Writing decent interfaces, write useful implementations, then compose them together.

Not trying to be dismissive, I just feel like I'm clearly missing something as it's a bit underwhelming for a 2019 talk to be all about "composition is great, use it".

imho the key concept is in-process rest as in representational state transfer as an interface. instead of an imperative interface it's more of a protocol based interface. think http middleware built around a standard interface like ruby's rack, asp.net's owin, or python's wsgi. once you have that style of abstraction it becomes pluggable and you can chain them together.

here's a past discussion on in-process rest.


Thanks, that's a bit more specific.

Think I'd have to play with it to see how it really differed from my normal composition of interfaces and implementations.

here's a couple more to throw into the mix.

Hypertext allows you to write HTML from Ruby. https://github.com/soveran/hypertext

rbexy - A Ruby template language inspired by JSX https://github.com/patbenatar/rbexy

imho, hypertext has a great deal of potential especially the DSL.

maximum employment is a pandemic period objective. they aren't intending to crush the labor market. the fed has largely behind the curve in addressing inflation.

are there other options besides increasing the density of housing?

This is a good question - I haven't studied much aside from densifying existing neighborhoods but when thinking about other options, I suppose suburbs come to mind. Before going any further, I should clarify that I live in the US and look at this through an American lens. Anyways, a primary issue with suburban affordability is that demand is high and space is limited[1]: many folks want to live in the suburbs but maintain their jobs in urban centers, and you can only have so much low density housing within commuting distance to a city. Since urban centers are where the majority of jobs are, it's tough to suggest that people "just move to the country", for example. Remote work could help with reducing density while allowing people to relocate to more remote and/or affordable places. More public transportation may also allow suburbanites to move further away (think high-speed trains and commuter rails).

I've also heard arguments for an urban model that focuses on smaller, more community-centric cities instead of huge urban centers like New York or LA. I don't have any primary sources for this, but I think the idea is to keep density low-ish, and increase the distribution of these urban nodes evenly across a region [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_village]. To me this sounds similar to the mundane suburban towns I grew up around.

Urbanity/density is likely the easiest[2] solution, but I'm sure it's not the only one. There are likely many thoughtful solutions that don't rely on density - I may look around to see if I can find any.

[1] I guess this issue applies across the entire spectrum of housing, which is why there's a housing crisis

[2] Easy is relative - obviously, this is has proven to be a very difficult problem to solve.

LA is close to the logical end of the model you describe; downtown LA is a fairly weak center and there are other nodes as well.

In practice this just means that instead of commuting in long distances in one direction, you do it in every direction. People just tend not to live that close to work due to different desirability characteristics for jobs vs homes. And for multiple income households this is even more difficult, because how often do all the people in a single house work or go to school in the same neighborhood?

appreciate your response.

i get the impression dense urban environments are ripe for various types of capture not to mention the variety of competing interests that end up diluting the effectiveness of policy to address these issues.

also, i get the impression incentives for housing developers aren't aligned to addressing this problem because in the end it would mean lower margins and a smaller pipeline of future housing development projects effectively putting them out of business.

Keep in mind that, if the barriers of entry are low enough, property development is nothing like a cartel.

Developers will happily undercut each other to steal their competitors’ lunch.

The current model actually promotes cartel behavior; there is so little developable land that it is possible for a few people to hoard the small supply of land.

along the same line...

freemesh for wifi AP based mesh networks. not as convenient as briar, but considering the situation having multiple modes of communication seems like a good hedge.


also, if you can get a hold of lora wan based devices, e.g. esp32 w/ lorawan, you can set up a lorawan based mesh network with wifi entry points.


hopefully you find this helpful...

On December 7th, 2016, Pebble announced that they were ceasing operations. Two days later, on December 9th, 2016, the Rebble web site went live, announcing our intention to "maintain and advance Pebble functionality, in the absence of Pebble Technology Corp." We have fulfilled much of this goal via Rebble Web Services, which restores most of the functionality that the Pebble community knows and loves.


can you elaborate on ruby? i'm curious to understand your experience with it and what brought you to the conclusion that you "hate programming".

I'm not the original person so I have no idea what their experience is, but I feel pretty much the same. Every time I work in a language other than Ruby, it feels like programming. When I work in Ruby the language feels almost effortless. I wish I could do everything in Ruby and it frustrates me when there is something I can't make work in Ruby. Especially Rails, everything that works works so smoothly. When it doesn't work I get very frustrated and switch to another language only to find out its even harder in another language.

I don't like programming. I like it when the computer does what I tell it to do. I find that drastically easier to accomplish in Ruby (especially Rails).

What are your thoughts on Crystal?

See: https://crystal-lang.org/

Would you like to pay now (compile time) or later (runtime)?

We have ways of dealing with scaling of runtime in production (develop infrastructure environment).

There's no way I know to speed up the edit/compile/run loop during development.

It's ruby but with extra steps

here's another option to throw into the mix...

ward cunningham's federated wiki https://wardcunningham.github.io/

event sourcing and the notion of compensating transactions go along way in solving these types of problems.

I did a find for 'event sourcing' in this thread and yours is the single hit at the time of my comment. I came here to agree, and tell the OP that you indeed would benefit from an Event Sourcing Architecture.

thx :-) i get the impression event sourcing for the uninitiated is too abstract a concept and is often confused with event-driven architectures.

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