Threads app is rolling out a test in the US to help users find the trending topics that people are talking about. The topics are determined by AI systems based on what people are engaging with right now on Threads. All topics including political trends are eligible.
Not the parent, but a recent example of a failed search for me was:
"Saerang story lord of the rings"
The most important term got dropped and needed to be quoted to actually find what I wanted.
A separate and more concerning problem with Search is the emphasis on shallow information without outgoing links for more depth. The majority of searches on many topics (medical topics for example) will have the top results be "terminal" webpages that offer only a very shallow look at a topic without any way of finding more detailed information.
For example, when I attempted to look for a comprehensive breakdown of biodegredation of plastics (e.g. what kinds of environments reduce/increase biodegrading time, what types of plastics have longer times and why) I just kept finding pages by various advocacy groups that talked in vague generalities and offered no opportunities for further research.
First of all, there are no silver bullets and no overall "better" languages. It depends on the situation, and a good software _engineer_ should be able to reason about the trade-offs of using statically/dynamically typed languages in each situation.
In this case, it is about shifting the costs to different stages of the projects lifecycle. Statically typed languages require more mental effort while developing, and, by definition, catch more bugs early in the process (compiler has more information to play with, and the programmer is required to be more thorough). Pushing it even further, formal proof systems require exponentially more effort at development time, and, in some cases, rewards it with the proof of software correctness (i.e. no bug-fixing costs at maintenance stage). On the other end of spectrum, dynamically typed languages allow for much faster development (which can be mission critical), but a rapid release comes with a price of long-term maintenance difficulties.
It's up to the developer to choose which approach is the most appropriate for the situation (amongst the myriad of other trade-offs, like performance, scalability, user requirements, existing infrastructure and so on).