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Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.com

I have been developing web applications in Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

>that’s kind of like saying “I know how to drive a car, but I always have to look up which one is the gas pedal and which one is the brake”

OK, I agree, it's kind of like saying that.

But it's also kind of not like saying that.

Incompetence in driving and incompetence in software development are measured in completely different ways for completely different reasons. In driving, notions of what you definitely should know in order to qualify as "competent" extend from the intrinsic risk to other people's well-being. You can't simply transpose those notions onto the low-stakes sandbox environment that is software development. In software development, process is only important as far as it hinders or helps to deliver good code; competence should be dictated purely by results. All of the actual competence of driving comes during the actual process part; successfully reaching your destination is actually considered to be less important than simply not fucking anything up on the way there.

Sometimes I pick up a video game that I haven't played in weeks, and perform actions incorrectly because the button layout has been overwritten by the button layout of a similar and more recent game. It would foolish to say I'm wholly incompetent at either game; I still have a strong concept of what I should be doing and what I intend to do, it's just that I'm fumbling a bit at the specifics of executing my intent. Am I incompetent for looking up the button layout? Am I incompetent, but only for the 1 hour that it takes me to get back in the groove of things?

Declaring someone is incompetent is a bold assertion to make from such limited information. At the end of the day you either deliver good code in good time or you don't. I would be extremely reluctant to determine this guy can't deliver good code because he had to look something up. Figures no one will hire me.

> I would be extremely reluctant to determine this guy can't deliver good code

See, I’d be extremely reluctant to assume the opposite - that he can, even though he doesn’t remember “len”. Given this one bit of information, all I know is that he has exactly one thing in common with everybody who doesn’t know how to program in Python: he doesn’t know the function for determining the length of a string. Now, he may (somehow?) know everything else about Python except for that one thing: I’m assuming the interviewer was a bit surprised (as I would be) that somebody presenting themselves as a Python programmer didn’t know len, but went ahead and asked him a few more questions which he may well have nailed. If the answer to every question was “I don’t know, I have to look it up”, you’d pass on him, too. I just can’t picture how anybody who didn’t remember that could remember much else, but I guess that’s why job interviews last an hour or so.

>See, I’d be extremely reluctant to assume >Given this one bit of information, all I know

This seems like a really flawed way of approaching most things. Why assume anything? And if you're going to assume anything, why only factor in that one bit of information, and not any other context. How about the fact that he's been coding for 30 years and works at Google. Is that also relevant?

>I’m assuming the interviewer was a bit surprised

There was no interviewer in this situation. His tweet was not in regards to any interview. Did you read the article?

>If the answer to every question was “I don’t know, I have to look it up”, you’d pass on him, too.

But if I were to do so, at least in such a case I would be basing my suppositions on more than just one thing.

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.com

I have been developing web applications in Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

I have to wonder, did you really read the post? Your characterization of it as a "screed about the injustice" of standups seems wholly contradictory to the tone of the post. It literally opens with "your standups are killing your velocity." Correct or incorrect, it's an appeal to efficiency. I would hope that streamlining processes would be welcome in all industries including food service and construction.

I guess I fundamentally don't understand the nature of your argument; your reasoning essentially prohibits anyone daring to voice concerns about prevailing practices, because it could always be worse?

>Again, think women and shoes. Why do women have many pairs? For precisely the same reason people have many guns.

I understand the point you are making, but I think you could make a much better and less sexist analogy.

>Google prioritizes certain websites/results when I enter queries too, it doesn't mean I'm required to click on them.

I would like to call this "an appeal to free will". It's true that individuals can choose what they click, but there is also going to be a statistical reality of what people "choose" to click more/most often.

Because of this, imo the big deal is absolutely gargantuan. Google for example handles several billions of searches per day. To your point of continuing to hunt for the right results, just adding a few seconds per search increases the amount of aggregate time spent searching on a scale of centuries per day. I would argue it's a similar case with Amazon; the service is so large that a minute changes can have tremendous impacts.

>I've had experiences in Sears of spending 15 minutes just looking for an employee Reminds me of an anecdote someone told me more than 15 years ago of him searching for a Sears employee and finding one literally hiding/crouching behind/underneath his register to avoid having to do his job. I would have thought it were an isolated thing.

I just like having a physical copy of my favorite music. It is similar to how there's a greater appeal to rows of hardbound books on shelves compared to a Kindle loaded with epubs, even if the latter is more practical/portable/etc. I'm just going to stream the album anyway. If I'm going to go as far as to directly support the artist by purchasing it, for me it feels more substantial to buy the vinyl.

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.com

I have been developing web applications in Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

I am honestly stuck between two worlds, React and Elm. There is a toy project that I've alternately developed using both React and Elm, which is a little neurotic when I think about it. I find working with components to be more intuitive and organized than my Main.elm ends up being, but, even using Typescript's strictest settings I seem to get runtime errors, which bothers me a great deal.

Before trying Elm I'd never used a purely functional language. It's definitely a different way of thinking and I'm glad I took the time to wrap my head around it.

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