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I guess I don't understand why more people aren't asking for a solution that allows them to sustain themselves and their families and also doesn't elevate the risk of spreading COVID-19. I don't get how "end the lockdown and let a bunch of people get sick" or "possibly starve homeless in the streets" became the only two possible options, and I don't get how anyone becomes a staunch advocate for either.

You're saying that even with a Senate majority, Obama couldn't get his own party to consider public option, while also arguing that through candidates that are "far to the left" of Obama (except Bernie Sanders apparently), we can achieve the kind of structural economic change that people who support Bernie Sanders want. Seems a bit contradictory to me.

In that case, I would love to be handling 90% of the tax burden right now.

That's simply not true. He clearly says "and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that with injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it [presumably the virus] gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number."

>It's spam

Semantically accurate

>Sensationalized because it's connected to someone special

It can be spam and it can be spam from 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts at the same time. I don't understand what's sensationalized about that.

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.com

I have been developing web applications in Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

I'm enamored by the aesthetics of it but it really leaves me quite curious as to the practical considerations of doing it or what might prevent it from being done more often.

Do you have houseplants?

Keeping plants alive requires labour and water. Labour is expensive. Water needs to be kept carefully contained, unless you want it to destroy your building.

It's easy if you select the right houseplants. Most of my houseplants don't require a lot of water. I have a sunroom with cactuses that I give occasional drinks in the winter, and then every 2-3 weeks in the summer I drag the hose in and soak the pot. Doesn't take much time at all.

IMO, they will probably choose the plants carefully and set up an automatic watering system.

When I look at his example I still sense a compelling sense to create some kind of abstraction. It's just that the example abstraction he chose to make is somewhat esoteric and arguably over-solves the problem. The author isn't suggesting a different, perhaps simpler abstraction, but forgoes abstractions entirely.

I tend to agree.

To me, this is a good fit for some kind of 'fairly simple abstraction' - even the abstraction used is fine.

So long as everything worked, I think this might be a better solution.

I'm fine with 'don't just refactor because' but this looks like a fairly clean cut opportunity.

Social considerations aside.

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.com

I have been developing web applications in Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

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I've wanted a left-side number pad for a long time. I've contended that (for right-handed people) having a number pad on the right is poor ergonomics. If I centered such a keyboard in front of me, then the number pad would be in the way of my mouse. So I end up offsetting the keyboard several inches to the left, which causes me to have to position my arms awkwardly in order to reach the letters. I ended up using keyboards with no number pads at all (in my case a Leopold FC660C).

I don’t have too much trouble with this just yet. But the next keyboard will be without a num block, but I will add a https://www.ipv6buddy.com/ to the right of my mouse for all my hex and up address needs. (Not affiliated, just a fan)

That was one of the things I liked about the MS Sculpt Keyboard, the numpad is its own separate device. You can put it wherever you want it.

Maybe buy a separate number pad? Looks like they are $30 to $40 or so.

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