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Another shameless plug for my website, you can use ipkitten.com to get your public IP address from your terminal:

  $ curl ipkitten.com
And if you visit it in a browser, you get your IP address and a kitten GIF!:


I love using ipinfo.com for the extra details it provides like hostname, ISP, ASN, etc.

   $ curl ipinfo.io/json
or you can look up these details for any other IP:

   $ curl ipinfo.io/

We have a CLI as well: https://github.com/ipinfo/cli

It has a ton of bells and whistles, including summarize IPs, bulk enrichment, grepip, and a ton of network-related tools. I was writing a series of blog posts on the CLI, but I think the series got too long and left users to discover the features of the CLI on their own.

Just don't let grow up and eat http://ipchicken.com.

there's https://myip.wtf or wtfismyip.com which provides a strongly worded interface. You can also check which headers your browser is sending to the website.

icanhazip.com is another service which does this.

And the easy-to-remember-for-Unix-nerds:


if you use curl it'll do user agent detection and just give you your ip

    curl ifconfig.me

or google search, which you tell you (might be fourth or more result)


Or ifconfig.co

v6! Yay!

One of the reasons I dig it.

The 4090 costs ~$1800 and doesn't have dual OLED screens, doesn't have a battery, doesn't weigh less than a pound, and doesn't actually do anything unless it is plugged into a larger motherboard, either.

From Geekbench: https://browser.geekbench.com/opencl-benchmarks

Apple M3: 29685

RTX 4090: 320220

When you line it up like that it's kinda surprising the 4090 is just $1800. They could sell it for $5,000 a pop and it would still be better value than the highest end Apple Silicon.

Comparing these directly like this is problematic.

The 4090 is highly specialized and not usable for general purpose computing.

Whether or not it's a better value than Apple Silicon will highly depend on what you intend to do with it. Especially if your goal is to have a device you can put in your backpack.

I'm not the one making the comparison, I'm just providing the compute numbers to the people who did. Decide for yourself what that means, the only conclusion I made on was compute-per-dollar.

A bit off-topic since not applicable for iPad:

Adding also M3 MAX: 86072

I wonder the results if the test would be done on Asahi Linux some day. Apple implementation is fairly unoptimized AFAK.

That's for OpenCL, Apple gets higher scores through Metal.

And Nvidia annihilates those scores with CUBlas. I'm going to play nice and post the OpenCL scores since both sides get a fair opportunity to optimize for it.

Actually, I'd like to see Nvidia's highest Geekbench scores. Feel free to link them.

It's stupid to look at OpenCL when that's not what's used in real use.

This is true, but... RTX 4090 has only 24GB RAM and M3 can run with 192GB RAM... A game changer for largest/best models...

CUDA features unified memory that is only limited by the bandwidth of your PCIe connector: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/unified-memory-cuda-beginn...

People have been tiling 24gb+ models on a single (or several) 3090/4090s for a while now.

Shhh, don't correct the believers, they might learn something.

I think it would be simpler to compare cost/transistor.

And yet it’s worth it for deep learning. I’d like to see a benchmark training Resnet on an iPad.

As someone who works as a broadcast engineer at a Major League Baseball stadium and has interacted with numerous ballpark security employees, the use of facial recognition software is quite widespread in professional sporting venues, both to identify "do not fly list" individuals (banned, trespassed, known terrorist, etc.) and "VIP list" (local and larger politicians, high net-worth individuals, celebrities, corporate magnates, etc.) people.

It also dramatically reduces the amount of time it takes to locate missing children, which is an almost-daily occurrence.

> It also dramatically reduces the amount of time it takes to locate missing children, which is an almost-daily occurrence.

Just curious, where do you source the missing child image from? Ask the parents for a picture? Hope they remember which gate/turnstile they entered in, when, and then scrub through the footage for a clear shot of the kid to then search for live?

E: I suppose the system logs when/where their tickets were scanned in?

It would be easier if they went missing at the later half of the game, as you could compare new data with relatively fixed positions from child objects earlier on.

In general, handguns with active safety levers are considered less-safe than firearms without active safeties when being carried in proper holsters (ones where the trigger area is completely covered) because of the additional steps required to use the firearm when it is deployed. Having a pistol come out of the holster ready-to-fire is always going to be advantageous to having to remember to manipulate the safety lever, ensure the firearm is loaded, ensure the firearm is in-battery, etc. when the time comes.

> Having a pistol come out of the holster ready-to-fire is always going to be advantageous to having to remember to manipulate the safety lever,

Just like not wearing seatbelts is safer, since you get thrown clear of the wreck?

Officers get in waaaay more physical altercations than quick-draw duels at the OK Corral. Lack of safety switches is only more advantageous to the subjects they inevitably end up grappling with, who have one less step to deal with in removing the officer's service weapon and using it against them.

And that is why police officers use Level 3 holsters.


Product reviews, trigger specifications, and such. It really is just a matter of personal preference. Firearms like Glocks don't have "active safeties" where you enable/disable them with a lever, but they do have a variety of "inactive safeties" which prevent the firearm from discharging when dropped/rattled/whatever.

> Firearms like Glocks don't have "active safeties"

gosh, there’s always some argument about the defn of “safety” when discussing Glock. A Glock trigger has a little spring-loaded tab which is depressed when you hold your finger on the trigger. When it is visible the Glock can not fire. This they call a “safety”, seems a little sketch but ok, I get the point. There’s some other internal features backing it up, but the trigger is most obvious.

The P320 had an internal lock-out widget that would disengage when you pull the trigger a wee bit and a spring loaded sear (? do they call it that for strikers?) one trivial whack away from releasing even if the trigger was not pulled to the break (the expected release point). I would call that absurdly wrong. The upgrade fixed this similarly to the P365.

The P365 has a similar lock-out widget to the P320 (they call it an internal safety in the manual), but it doesn’t disengage until the trigger is pulled into the break. The “striker” has a tab on it which is blocked to that point by the widget. You can disassemble it all and measure the distances the parts move to release, but I actually looked at a SolidWorks 3d model someone in the aftermarket industry shared with me and verified my pistol had the same dimensions at a critical point. I think if the striker tab or the widget broke it could fail silently. I check it about weekly or less.

It is definitely not new, at all.

Source: I am in my mid-20's.

As federally-licensed firearms manufacturer (FFL07/SOT02), I can attest to how straightforward and even downright "easy" it is to create numerous firearms and firearm parts of varying legality. On the "not so illegal" side you have pistol slides, custom triggers, accessory railings, etc. that are all completely-legal to make, possess, sell, use, etc. It would be like 3D-printing a new case for a desktop computer.

On the other hand, you have things like removable drop-in auto-sears (RDIAS) [1], Glock selector switches [2], MP5 auto-sears, AR15 -> M16 conversion jigs, handmade silencers (suppressors) [3], and numerous other components that not only require a federal license to create/possess/use, but also require a special taxpayer status called an SOT (Special Occupational Taxpayer) [4] because all of the aforementioned items are construed as machine guns (even if the device merely converts a firearm to a machine gun, and of course silencers) under the National Firearms Act of 1934 [5], and later clarified with the Gun Control Act of 1968 [6].

In addition to those items, NFA also deals with short-barrel rifles (rifles with barrels under 16 inches in length) and short-barrel shotguns (shotguns with barrels under 18 inches in length) which are incredibly easy to "accidentally" own. However, the largest firearms loophole in the country is that by attaching a "pistol brace" to an otherwise regulated short-barrel rifle, you are in compliance. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are currently in violation of the National Firearms Act of 1934 because they possess these short-barrel AR-15's. The differences between these two configurations are strikingly and laughably small [7].

Especially with the machine gun parts, the idea of governments/municipalities expecting citizens to simply surrender them - even for "fair market" value - is simply absurd and altruistic.

Fun Fact: You yourself (in most states) can own a fully-automatic firearm! The only catch is that it has to be manufactured before May 1986, be registered under NFA, and transferred to you on an ATF Form 4 (which requires a $200 tax stamp [the same as it cost in 1934] and around 210+ days of waiting). These are known as "transferable machine guns" and are quite valuable despite their almost-identical resemblance to their semi-automatic counterparts. Here are some for sale: https://otbfirearms.com/nfa/transferable-machine-guns/

[1] https://www.recoilweb.com/turning-your-ar-15-into-an-m-16-15...

[2] https://buybestguns.com/product/semi-full-auto-glock-handgun...

[3] https://solventtrapsdirect.com/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Occupational_Taxpayers

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Firearms_Act

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Control_Act_of_1968

[7] https://www.guns.com/news/reviews/ar-pistol-vs-ar-rifle-what...

Don’t forget the extra fun fact that you can legally take out the the sear from an old transferable machine gun, put it into a new gun and have yourself a legal machine gun where only the sear predates the ban.

Another opportunity for a shameless plug of my website: https://ipkitten.com

It simply serves you a random kitten GIF (some of which involve catnip) and provides your IP address alongside some other connection information.

EDIT: The ARIN JSON endpoints have rate-limited me, so ISP information is currently unavailable.

You should cache the cidr ranges and arin responses for a decent amount of time since they seldom change.

Perfect - looks like this will be my new go-to IP checking tool.

I'll add it into my kitten dev toolbox alongside https://placekitten.com/

It only shows IPv4

only shows IPv6 for me.

Another opportunity for a shameless plug of my kitten-inspired website: IPKitten.com, which serves to give your IPv4 address, User Agent, and a ARIN-based IP address lookup to show the ISP.


Thank you for your work here! Not only is the info displayed handy (having several useful items all on a single page), but it brought a nice smile to my face! Kudos!

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