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Visualising a Codebase: This sounds very interesting, it looks like similar graphics as what CodeScene creates.

The dependency between the modules seems like a nice addition to me. I don't think CodeScene has that one. Can't wait to try this on our bigger projects.

I never found a really good way to visualize large codebases and the dependencies between the modules, does somebody have something for this?

It's good to see Firefox on top of this list.

Is Protonmail usually accessed through web clients? I only use native iOS client and MacOS Mail with the Bridge app. Somehow I would expect Protonmail users to not use the web client so much, maybe I am wrong.

Web client on desktop, native app on my phone. It's the easiest. I use Protonmail because it's not Google and pleasant enough to use.

same here, web client on desktop, app on phone.

Some people use ProtonMail because it's precisely not Google, and most who are using it as Gmail replacement will still use it in-browser (as opposed to using it in Thunderbird or something else).

I use the web client at work because I'd rather not go through the involved process of installing something.

Well... Protonmail happens to be the only e-mail provider that cannot fully be used as intended using just NMAP, because the core feature is its proprietary encryption and related features. So I would guess it's probably a singular outlier in having more web client users, rather than less.

Nitpick: I think you meant IMAP (a standard email client protocol) instead of NMAP (a port scanning program).

I dunno, there are some pretty neat NSE scripts.

Partly true: you can install a local IMAP gateway (Proton Mail Bridge) to access your inbox from normal MUAs. FAFAIK it supports all regular IMAP operations.

While I am using it, the android client sometimes has problems refreshing for me. So if I was waiting for something urgent, I would probably use the web client.

Try disabling alternative routing in the settings. Solved all refreshing problems for me.

You can only use a desktop app if you pay for protonmail. I suppose almost all protonmail users are free users and therefore they can only use the website.

I pay for Protonmail and use the web client on desktop.

I hope that many other are paying users too, because there are no ads. And without paying clients, how can a service like Protonmail survive?

Any big old enterprise will provide a lot of IT jobs where you can basically sleep all day long.

How can 1 000 000 German tourists drive to croatia in the summer for holidays if all have electric cars? Right now in high season the normal gas stations have long lines of cars waiting...


I think the tutorials are not so useful in the game, however they gave me some basics. I spent some hours on YouTube and from zero flying knowlege, I can say I am now familiar with the Cessna 152 Takof, landing, navigation and also with the 172 with G1000 (including ILS). Wish all this introductions would be in the game.

However the overall experience is still very Beta. I got a lot of freezes, bugs on map (like a big bump on some runways that flip the airplane and game over) sometimes the nav get unresponsive (partial freeze of the game)

Even worse is that after you buy the game on steam, any in-app purchase is done on steam but download would be from microsoft and that just doesn’t work for a bunch of people.

At least this free models are just working when people copy them in place, while payed content is not even showing up at the moment.

Yep, seems like apple made another move against the web.

I learned using the TICK stack and Grafana.

Originally I wanted to see some Covid data with my own visualization, was thinking on D3 first.

Ended up with full TICK stack and Grafana, monitoring all devices I have at home and setting up alerts for all kind of silly stuff. Usefulness is questionable, but I learned a lot.

I have now some insight in the local area covid spread and happy to report, no new cases in my town discovered since a month \o/ (according to the government provided API)

It won't be just for 30 days. How can people complain about Netflix quality now? I will be grateful if we have anything still working in a few months...

Noone is complaining about quality, people are complaining about having to pay for quality they're not getting. Netflix can easily charge everyone the SD package price during this time.

How much data traffic could google save if it would just bundle all fonts with chrome?

how much space would packing all those fonts take up?

With some extra metadata, about 428MB.


Since the browser hands font rendering off to the operating system, however, the most pertinent browser-specific adjustment would be updating the (configurable) defaults (Serif, Sans-serif, etc...) for each supported platform - Georgia instead of Times for a default, for example.

You bundle the top 10 most popular fonts and save about half the traffic: counter is ticking about 20M per minute or 201B per week, top 10 fonts were used 136B times this week, Chrome is about 3/4 of users. Bundling would save (136/201)*(3/4) = about 1/2. However, Google would lose about half of their tracking events so I'm sure they've already thought of this and figured the data is worth more than the traffic expenses.

that to me is the real reason behind this service. it might not make money, but the statistics and insight they get are worth way more than money.

Yeah, let's just install the Internet Archive on everyone's computer and be done with it. </snark>

Searching for opening times of local shops is what keeps me on Google for now... Very basic but very common search for me...

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