The education system has been deliberately dumbed down; the press/media his voters watch wouldn't possibly inform them of his mistake, for their own gain; and the social media they engage with reinforces their incorrectly held beliefs. Difficult to blame many people of being ignorant of reality, when the reality they interact with lies to them constantly.
Because we elected a criminal who has promised vengeance for those who investigated his many crimes. This puts some sort of limit on the damage he can do to these people. I'm sure he'll still make their lives hell, but at least they won't end up in jail as political prisoners.
Americans wanted cheaper groceries, gas, … one candidate lied about the ease at which those changes could be made, just like he lies about everything else, and a shocking number of people bought it, again. They were conned by an expert conman with a lifetime’s experience conning.
I just don’t think the US is a serious country anymore. Any country that elects a man like Donald Trump for a few percent off their veggies (OK probably not veggies in America) and cheaper eggs is not a serious place. Shame, I really used to believe all that shit about a city on a hill!