Well put. This sounds like my experience, and I agree that the freedom to build what I want to put out in the world feels like wealth to me. I hope the money wealth follows. :) Cheers to SaaS adventures! Thanks for putting this out there.
"We Now Support Metric!" :) Haha, just added it in about 15 minutes. Currently working on getting the user's location by IP address. Thanks for the feedback.
Be aware that some people in the UK want stones and pounds, with feet and inches. But others (me) would like kg and cm. So please make it an option that I can chose, even if you try to guess what I want from my IP.
I definitely want to target weight gain OR loss - or even staying the same, just trading fat for muscle - I just don't have enough stories yet so the code is pulling everything. Help me get some by sharing and telling your friends, or submitting yours! :)
Yeah, I could do that or MyFitnessPal - I guess I'm not sure on the ethics. People themselves want to share their photos, but is it okay to reach them through someone else's fitness site? Hacker News and non-fitness-related sites seemed kosher, but I'm not sure about those... advice?
I'm trying to think of ways to make it a win-win for everyone - maybe promote the site/product/trainer that helped a person, but in a way so that the site isn't selling a particular product. Ideas welcome.
Hey there - I'll be showing stories of all kinds, though right now I just don't have that much data so the code is pulling everything. I need more stories! If you guys have a story of your own or know anyone, please submit or send them my way! :)
(and I'm in a similar boat too). I'm already healthy, but just want flat abs - I started this tool because I wanted to get a better idea of what I had to do to get that - how much weight to lose, or if I needed to be building muscle and not losing weight. I'm on MyFitnessPal, and a lot of women seemed to have that question. Working to get all types in here!
Weight is pretty much a useless metric if you are already slim and want to find out when you are going to start seeing definition (like your abdominals for example). Body Fat % is really the only indicator for that and even then it is hit or miss as it depends on the elasticity of the persons skin (like if they just lost 100 lb''s they'll have a ton of excess skin covering their abs). Cool site, i'd just like to see BF% instead of weight.
Thanks for the feedback. :) I've made it prominent for now in hopes that it's clear how people can help the project - share so we can get lots more inspirational stories, but if it gets more annoying than useful, I'll move it. Thanks! And thanks for the encouragement! :)