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why are you trying to apply your irrelevant experiences with other groups even as you complain about americans doing so to you?

How is irrelevant to point out that there is disagreement within the academic community about the standards that the OP expresses disappointment with?

The thing is "a little" might be on the order of 10 bucks a month.

> most poor people actually have high incomes

what is your evidence for this? take america as a "developed country"

Here are some stats I just looked up for the US:

$7.25 minimum wage

90% of households own a car [1].

In many cities, rent is about 15% of income, and median rent is less than minimum wage [2].

0.64/100000 malnutrition deaths [3].

[1] https://qz.com/873704/no-car-households-are-becoming-more-co...

[2] https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/02/best-cities-for-cheap-rent.h...

[3] http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/malnutriti...

literally none of that meaningfully indicates that "most [american] poor people actually have high incomes".

minimum wage means nothing without considering cost of living which outpaces a 40 hour work week at 7.25 (or even the potentially higher state minimum wage) basically everywhere in the country [1]

as per your article, a) car ownership is dropping, b) a household having a car can mean sharing it with a number of other people c) 90% of households having a car is not relevant to a discussion only about those in poverty and d) in most non-urban environments, having a car is a necessity, not a luxury, if you want to be able to, y'know, get to work and the grocery store [2][3]

sure, some cities are more affordable than others. what percentage of the country lives in those cities? do you expect everyone to move there? if so, do you think those affordable rents will stay affordable? additionally, please explain, in detail, your full plan for moving when you have no savings, and for mitigating the effects of leaving your job, the place you know, as well as all your friends and family who provide a vital safety net in case of emergency.

i literally do not know what you're trying to say with the malnutrition deaths note- do you think that having access to a social safety network in the form of foodstamps means you're not poor or something? lol

[1] https://www.citylab.com/life/2015/09/mapping-the-difference-... [2] https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2018/march/distance-to-... [3] https://nhts.ornl.gov/briefs/PovertyBrief.pdf

It's absolutely fatuous to assume that this has to be a symmetrical relationship. No inherent contradiction exists between the two statements.

If a feature is working in reverse it's probably a bug though- it might be intended to force independent thinking, but in reality all it does is serve as a gameable goalpost, no thought required.

For folks who are interested in the what went into designing it, the devs published their emails over the course of development. It's a pretty neat glimpse into how a game's design evolves, as well as the effort it takes to come up with a clean, "simple" mechanic: http://asherv.com/threes/threemails/

It's interesting he says that only 6 people in the world have ever seen a 6144 tile. Automatic controllers can reach it pretty often, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.07374.pdf says 7.83% of the tries.

There are countries where it's normal and expected to pay bribes to every governmental official you interact with, America the worst offender nor is not unique in any respect.

Consider how you would get yourself out of prison. In one of those countries, you pay the bribe. There's problems with that, but we know it's a bribe.

In America, we can't bribe our way out of prison, because the corruption is so much deeper than that. You get sent to prison because of corruption you can't even see:

- the prison guard union lobbied the state congress for tougher pot laws via "campaign donations" so that their members have jobs

- the local police chief needs to be "tough on crime" so that the mayor gets reelected, manifesting in "stop and frisk" laws

- the local police department arrested you so they could confiscate your vehicle, via DOJ-aided civil forfeiture laws

- the police department negotiated a higher salary for their members, so long as it was cost-neutral, so now they need to ticket poor people to make money, which is how you got pulled over.

That's the gist of it (I haven't even gotten to private prisons, Fox News, or the NRA)! And don't this this is a Republican problem either, Democrats have been pretty bad at this sort of thing for the last 30 years too.

It’s clear that the environment we evolved in lacked much penicillin, therefore studies showing use of penicillin is healthy should be taken with a grain of salt.

To be clear, over usage of antibiotics is a MASSIVE health issue. Penicillin was an amazing discovery, but less than 100 years later we’re discovering antibiotic resistance and lifelong gut issues due to antibiotic usage.

How do you know that this is a massive health issue? What pure logic brought you to that conclusion?

Hunger is not perfectly tied to caloric intake- part of the problem with, say, sugary sodas is that they won't fill you up no matter how much you drink.

I might be misinterpreting you, but Opus Magnum is "alchemy"- it makes no attempt to reflect real chemistry, the components are simply abstractions. I can't tell if that would be a pro or a con in your book, but it's a pretty good game.

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