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I don't think, in general, that self-respecting white Americans are going to fall for this attempt to connect Trump to white nationalists. I also don't think white people need to feel ashamed because it's just another angle of attack by followers of a dead ideology who can't seem to offer any new or better ideas. It's just "racist racist racist" and you know what? I don't care what names you call me anymore. I don't give a shit--about name calling, about identity politics, civil war statues, or any of it.

You either support civilization and building a future for everyone, or you don't and what I see here is an attempt at shutting out whites in some misguided "turnabout is fair play." Maybe that works in South Africa, but it won't work in the United States.

Racism is a bullshit accusation put out by people whose only goal is some kind of very cynical "get Trump at all costs" type of agenda. Instead of realizing what the American middle class is trying to tell DC, they dug in their heels and commenced fighting for their piece of the pie. But what the entrenched politicos in DC don't seem to get yet is that their cushy style of politics as usual is over. Marxist progressivism is over as well, because regular people are not only fed up with how high taxes are, they can't afford the high cost of living anyways, so it's over! It's not as though the country can just dispose of Trump and everything will return to 'normal'--the norm that was Obama's America is unsustainable and failing before our eyes. That path is simply over and you can see the puzzlement in the eyes of certain Senators and Congressmen and government functionaries who can't come to terms with it and are doing their best to gaslight anyone who tells them the truth.

Leftism is America is about to get flushed because Americans woke up to how bankrupt and empty-headed the whole thing was. Identity politics sucks--it is a cynical attempt at dividing and conquering and filtering all the wealth to the top, which is exactly what the Clintons did all these years, they aided and abetted the fleecing of America top to bottom and finally, finally, a decent enough voting bloc got their heads out of their asses and said 'enough of this!' and sent a clear message to DC that this behavior will no longer be tolerated on their backs, and yet all we get now is more divisiveness, more cognitive dissonance, and more stupidity!

This seems a disproportionate response to less than 5% of the article's content. It's also wrong.

White privilege is threatened by growing equality for minorities. Angry whites confuse this gradual loss of privileged status with some kind of persecution. In fact, they have no idea what it means to be persecuted or to face real discrimination. There is no other ethnicity that has to deal with less persecution and discrimination.

Trump couldn't even denounce the white nationalist ideology that made some loser drive his car into a crowd of protestors and kill one of them. He won't hesitate to talk shit about absolutely everyone except white supremacists and Russia.

For the rest of us who aren't gaslighting ourselves, it's pretty obvious what he is.

Hello justadeveloper2, care for a subscription to Jacobin mag? https://www.jacobinmag.com/

It bugs me that engineers spent countless hours perfecting these killing machines and yet we still don't have a cure for most forms of cancer. It's ludicrous.

If you take the engineers building rockets and ask them to cure cancer instead we probably still wouldn't get a cure for cancer.

Curing cancer is not an engineering problem, and can't be done using engineering methods. Not the methods that are used to develop weapons, at least. Bio-engineering is a much, much younger discipline.

True, but I feel that lately Apple is cutting corners with parts. I'm using the new MBP to type this and the keyboard stinks and lately my spacebar has been sticky. The "need a dongle for everything" situation is a nightmare, too.

I'm feeling backed into a corner--Microsoft sucks, Apple sucks, Google has become untrustworthy and thus sucks. It's like all these tech companies are breaking it off you know where and we have no choice but to accept that.

I feel your pain. Luckily i'm typing this on the best macbook pro the 2015 model (that's not saying much). It even has a real escape key and a couple of ports. Still need a dongle to get a displayport output though. I installed Windows, as the best worst option, as the dumbing down of iOS..erm mac OS, is intolerable as a developer.

We got rid of cable tv years ago and tv watching dropped off sharply after that. These days we barely turn it on, although the kids play XBox here and there. The iPads they have are a nuisance, though. We excised the worst demon, but Youtube has some pretty vapid crap, too. It's a process. I don't want to entirely cut them off because they do learn from it here and there. It's a tool, not a drug.

Technology does not care about human values.

People are downvoting you, but this rung true with me. Sure, technology is created by humans, but a lot of the reason I see people (kids included) "overusing" technology is social media.

Social media does not care for human values. It cares for growth/self-preservation, views/interactions, and revenue. This is fine for things like TV, which tend to be more opt-in, but when you're carrying around a device all-the-motherfucking-time that's constantly pulling your attention away from real experiences and real people to suck you into an addictive cycle of meaningless interactions, I would say that's dangerous territory. Not because it's doing harm per se, but because it steals attention from things in life that bring us real meaning.

How can this be true? Technology is created exclusively by people. Our values are baked in.

Filesystems have a concept of ownership, ask your dog what that means.

Technology is created mostly by market demands and military needs, this is not at all the same thing as human values.

I think it's more accurate to say that technology reveals the edges and contours of our values.

That's a good way of stating it actually, something to think about.

Neil Postman (Technopoly) and the Heusemanns (Techno-Fix) both advance this concept signficantly.


Techno-Fix, by Michael and Joyce Huesemann (note spelling): http://www.worldcat.org/title/techno-fix-why-technology-wont...

Technopoly, Neil Postman: http://www.worldcat.org/title/technopoly/oclc/557091816


Which is just another example of how government expands its scope and rarely ever contracts.

That is what terrifies me--people who are ostensibly conservative but then are all pro-military and pro-big-government and you find out all they want is some tax break or other stupid consideration that benefits them personally. Democrats are not immune to this behavior, either--I have met few who disfavor big government and think they can somehow control the beast. They can't.

I guess those conservatives who have military backgrounds felt that Snowden betrayed them and put them in greater jeopardy. The problem with that is, it's hard to prove the value of what Snowden did. Harm may well have been done in the small, but at the same time there was great justice in the large. Being a whistleblower was the ethical choice; if you look the other way, you're no better than the prison guards at the concentration camps who weren't full-on members of the Nazi Party.

It's an ugly, ugly exercise of power.

I have the odd tie in of having lived near an airport in NC where the CIA was operating small jets to conduct those "renditions" (read: kidnappings) overseas during the Bush II years.

The other place in the US that is weird: The base known as "The Farm" right next to Colonial Williamsburg which is neither fish nor fowl--a lot of people and things get moved in and out of the US from there with zero accountability.

We badly need to get the US government back under control because the things done in our names are simply evil.

Psychology--people will try to remain close to places and people they know. There are many examples such behavior especially during natural disasters when they are commanded or know they should flee but don't.

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