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Probably de-obfuscated source code from a Github Enterprise vm

Just completed the whole PCI DSS compliance and audit for the first time with https://www.sikich.com

Thanks much.

You know anyone there we can get in touch with ? I sent them an email thru their generic contact email info@sikich.com

I wonder if they support speech marks like Ivona, for allowing synchronization of text with audio, useful for text highlighting.

Have some errors logged on our side of problems resolving DNS hostname for SES email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

This. I've recently been working with a large project using Node. I find myself constantly thinking about how I'd build it if I were using DRF.

> This. I've recently been working with a large project using Node. I find myself constantly thinking about how I'd build it if I were using DRF.

You wouldn't need to think about promises or callbacks at first place, which would make things way easier. That's the main reason I gave up NodeJS for Go when working with APIs. Async programming is noise. CSP is a better paradigm.

Scala, Akka, and Play say hi!

Don't you still need Futures for async stuff in order to not block the thread, or is each request handled by a lightweight 'fiber' (erlang process/goroutine)?

That's correct, blocking operations within an actor need to be wrapped in a Future[1]. But Akka itself can be extremely performant if the bulk of your processing is non-blocking. Any non-blocking or long-running operations should be executed in a separate thread pool (if there are many), or just a separate thread.

[1]: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4/general/actor-systems.html#...

Same thing here. This + HawkPost would be interesting.

Thanks, we updated the link from https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli.

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to commission a boat in St. Augustine Florida and then sail it down to Puerto Rico together with three other guys which had done it before. I remember them talking about this green flash appearing in the horizon just as the sun went down. Our trip lasted almost 9 days and I spent every single day staring at the horizon to hopefully get a glance at it. On like the 5th day I did, definitely felt kinda "magical" to experience that. After the sun went down, the nights that we had a clear sky we'd also be treated pretty great. Being on 43 feet sailboat for 9 days with nothing in sight but water and the occasional pod of dolphins is something not many people will ever experience, feel very fortunate.

Similar read[0] with an actual proposal replacement for OAuth at the end. Thoughts?

[0] http://hueniverse.com/2015/09/19/auth-to-see-the-wizard-or-i...

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