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We are seeking skilled problem solvers with good design and programming skills in Java or C++ and specialists with experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI Engineers). Engineers at SoarTech participate in all phases of development and have opportunities to learn and advance ideas, technologies, and software products.


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i concur.

while it's likely i've implemented my SQL horribly, i can say that after a few days of millions of hits per day in my time series database, searches became horribly slow and interactive became unresponsive. in my case it was a set of botnet sinkholes that i was recording.

so yes you can, but on the high volume side of things (for some cutoff of "high volume") it falls over pretty dramatically and continues to degrade.

time series data has a few unique properties that a full SQL solution doesn't optimize around, like write-once/read-many. a purpose-built TSDB solution is built for this.

The article states the opposite: that it's write-heavy.

The difficulty in managing time series data is that you need to do roll-ups and generally avoid doing the same work twice - that is, read the same rows over and over again.

If you're doing the same work over and over, it's always going to be slow. Don't do that! InfluxDB could presumably be built on top of PostgreSQL. It just manages the data lifecycle. But that would be a polyglot mashup project then and not something you could sell to VCs.

Yeah, but is that really TS-specific? High volume is high volume, regardless of the type of data, and to address this you may need to use something like a fast key-value store.

maybe i could have shoehorned it into a KV store and done range queries, but again this was stuff like "timestamp, srcip, srccc, srcasn, eventid". the main vector is a timestamp, and every query has a timestamp range associated with it. these are written once, never updated. other data stores don't optimize for those parameters.

github has a lot of constraints due to their size and services, most startups don't have those same issues.

cloudflare is a good way to do it on the cheap. as revenue comes in, you can either do internal, self-hosted mitigations and the like, or you can go with cloud mitigation providers. both cost a bunch and require significant IT/operations spending and staffing (self-hosted more so) to afford it and make it possible.

once your at a sizable pipe to your upstream provider(s), talk to them to find out where to call BEFORE an attack occurs, figure out how to navigate their offers as needed QUICKLY and efficiently to keep your service outage minimized, and see what it will cost you. almost every big ISP does this.

if all you do is buy a firewall, so what - your pipe will still fill up. that's why you need the upstream ISP.

in short, it's not cheap or easy but do this NOW before you need to.

if you're cloud hosted - e.g. DO, AWS, Azure, etc - look at your terms of service and call your account manager and find out what they can do for you and what it costs. again, do it before hand.

since you weren't specific about what kind of attacks you mean, i'll assume "any". you can see for yourself:



iraq and iran rarely enter the top 5.

from the phrasing i would have expected the code itself had been changed.

i thought the same thing, and recall thinking that about the taliban back when they destroyed what were then the largest buddha statues.

while it sickens me too, the main justification i can think of for it is that these artifacts represent the human story much more than any one person can. they are the collective achievement of thousands of years of progress and invention, and in seeing them destroyed we see our very history and future threatened more so than any one person's death can.

while i can't say i feel fully comfortable with a human life being worth less than a thing, this is one way of thinking about it.

I see your point and I find it reasonable. In fact, a good way to see it's those sculptures are the touch of a human being and, destroying them, they're also destroying the essence of the human lives that created them. Something we'll never recover.

What scares me is how the Islamic State got to the conclusion they could attract more attention by destroying art than killing human lives. As if they'd have simply measured their acts and they'd think they could get a higher impact by destroying artifacts...

kodachrome was my favorite film to shoot. it always made even average pictures feel like NatGeo. just the right about of saturation, of fade, of crispness. the color balance was very unique.

that show of Nürburgring is great :)

OP, i'm going to add another comment here to what i said earlier. before you quit, go in and talk to someone in senior management.

ask for a meeting with someone senior, let them knows it's important. when you get the fifteen minutes you asked for, raise you concern. it undermines trust between sales and senior management, it's a big stress, etc. give them a chance to respond. there may be a perfectly sound reason for it - the money may piss you off but it may also mean the business can stay around longer for everyone.

if you don't like what you hear, pull out your short letter of resignation, sign it, and hand it over. don't make a stink, just say, "i'm sorry, i don't think i can do this. i have to resign."

but you gave them a chance, you were heard, and you made an opportunity. they'll connect the dots, but no harsh words should be spoken (no "get bent you jerk!"). don't burn any bridges, but this will be a way to be clear about what happened, and it may create an opportunity, in fact (who knows).

i hope that helps.

you do not, you never put something like this in writing. it can and will come back to hurt you.

what a3n said.

[update - i read the back story elsewhere and the reason is less boneheaded than i had assumed. still, i think the community needs to focus on higher priority needs and gaps]

this is the sort of thing that makes me happy i'm no longer involved in the OpenBSD world. httpd & previously smtpd are two replacements that (in my opinion) have little additive value beyond existing, community-adopted solutions (e.g. nginx and postfix), diluting effort where it is needed.

does the world need a new httpd? maybe. but the world needs other replacement software to be done first because it'll have a greater impact.

for example, OpenBSD could invest time and effort in maturing static code analyzers to assist in code audits (especially of ports).

i suspect this new httpd was done less because it was needed and more because it could be done. that's the attitude i disagree with.

As an OpenBSD/OpenSMTPD developer, I feel I should ask:

What makes you think that if I wasn't spending _MY_ spare time working on projects I like, I'd spend _MY_ spare time working on projects _YOU_ prefer ?

I work on projects because I need them and want to work on them, not because someone else feels I should do it. You say that you suspect a developer wrote code because it could be done and you disagree with that attitude, but I'd argue that there's much more to be said about the attitude of people thinking they are entitled to decide what _VOLUNTEER_ developers should do with _THEIR_ free time...

If the world needed OpenBSD programmers to write high-impact replacement software so badly, the world would offer to pay for it. And since evidently no one wants to pay them to do so, it seems pretty reasonable to expect that the unpaid programmers -- volunteering their free time to write programs that they give away to the world for free -- would set their own priorities, address their own needs, and invest their time and effort however they see fit.

considering you wrote a book on OpenBSD many moons ago, you'd know that the only things that get attention are the itches /developers/ scratch. since you seem to be happy not being apart of the OpenBSD "world" (aka not developing on or for OpenBSD), who other than yourself really cares what you feel are higher priority needs and gaps?

OpenSMTPD is much, much simpler than Postfix. I can't stand Postfix's fucking 1000 line multi-file configuration.

Nginx is simple, so, yeah – no need for a replacement there.

> Nginx is simple, so, yeah – no need for a replacement there.

Nginx is approximately twice the size of the old Apache 1.3 based httpd OpenBSD had in base.

Nginx is an order of magnitude larger than the new httpd.

Perhaps nginx is simple from a user's perspective. But from a code/complexity viewpoint (think of all that must be read and verified to make sure it is correct, clean, simple and secure?) it is not quite so simple.

i don't know what you are doing there, but Postfix has two crucial files, main.cf and master.cf. your /etc/postfix may have multiple files, and the default main.cf certainly has all the things (commented out), but you absolutely do not need to keep it.

if nginx feels simple it's only because it doesn't copy a good chunk of its documentation into your /etc.

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