Surely the 'tricks' we have for RGB displays would be more effective when every element has the same color range as every other. For example, the subpixel rendering of typography for RGB displays had an unavoidable rainbow halo that would no longer be an issue for most colors of text with polychromatic pixels.
The thinnest quartz watches have all been made well in the past, as far as I'm aware. They were still made to be practical, however, and have thicker cases. They are about twice as thick as this watch.
That's fair, the current iMac is only 1.15cm thick but that's much thicker than an iPhone
They did put a much better camera in the Studio Display but it's significantly thicker than the iMac; I don't know how thick it is without stand/mounting hardware but the VESA mount version is 3.1cm thick so the Display itself much be at least 2cm.