China supresses information because they fear the anger of the oppressed.
This censorship is much more petty. "My child hates me, and it can't be my fault. Let's call some modern progress ideology, and stomp all over it".
This isn't about repression, it's a show of force. Both for intimidation, and to gather admiration. Because it is cool if you can be above the law. It takes strength to be above the law, so we should respect it.
Scary thing is, it seems to be working.
Honestly this is in some ways worse to me. The US government already know their people will not rebel. Somehow, despite the higher consequences this time around, far fewer people have been willing to protest. In 2017, millions demonstrated across the country, this year it was only a few thousand:
Does it matter that this election was won with a clear margin, also in the popular vote? I feel like it does.
Rebellion and protest wil require those who supported Trump to change their mind. Democracy demands it.
Which shows that things get weird if a majority of people favor the dissolution of rule of law within a democracy. A point it seems the US has reached, but I would give it another few months to give people time to really see what they voted for.
If everyone who supported a shift towards facism protested against everyone who did not, I believe you'd see much lower proportion than the 49% of voters who voted for Trump. In fact, you'd probably see a much lower proportion than the 31% of eligible voters who voted for Trump. I'd estimate maybe only half of people who voted for Trump actually support most of his policies. That puts it at just 11% of the population of the US and I think that's already far too generous. You are right, we should be democratic and allow people's views to be represented. But I don't think as many people support these policies as a simple count of the number of votes Trump received might suggest.
Yes, not half of America supports the slide into facism. But I think some of those who supported trump need to publicly disavow this slide in order for opposition to be viable. Resistance to facism make a lot more sense if people believe a new, fair, election would actually help.
It’s in the same vein. The government is removing information so it can act impunitively against certain people. The people getting harmed by these policies are, in the end, poor and marginal. If you’re already lucky enough to be rich in America, you’re probably getting much richer in the next four years.
ALL THAT SAID, if I were advising Trump (I’m not) and asked to be Machiavellian, I’d say his single priority right now is the budget. Create as much confusion in the public space as possible so your surrogates in the House have the room they need to manoeuvre. (Also keep an eye out for CBO’s gutting. It’s a real check on Trump inasmuch as it lives outside the executive and determines what can be passed on party lines with reconciliation.)
This isn't something done to enable harm. It's meant to be directly harmful, and to signal an immediate win.
It is 'follow up' on promises made and it signals to others "hating trans people is acceptable now".
It is barely about suppressing this information. But about what the act signals to supporters, bigots, and 'targets'.
FWIW, I'm in a similar situation right now. I was able to massively decrease noise (and air flow) by switching to Noctua NF- A4x10 FLX fans. As long as my workloads aren't sustained temperatures are fine and noise has from gone ~70-80dB to ~40dB, with the power supply fans being the loudest part now.
Note they're comparing to CPython v3.7 and while doesn't go back to 3.7, the improvements between 3.8 to 3.12 are pretty massive.
I don't doubt PyPy is faster than CPython, but it would be very interesting to see latest PyPy compared to latest CPython.
I maintain a Brewfile ( which contains the majority of the non-project specific applications that I like to install on any new Mac:
What's really nice is the `cask` & `mas` keywords allow you to install .dmg files & directly from the App Store.
While its not included in there yet, I've been experimenting with maintaining a private Homebrew tap which contains my ~/bin directory as opposed to shell aliases.
Does anyone know if the performance regressions between 5.7 and 8.0 have been fixed? I no longer use MySQL regularly so I haven't been following this.
If I recall correctly, this was one of the major reasons why people were deferring this upgrade.
> Most notably, we encountered a problem where queries with large WHERE IN clauses would crash MySQL. We had large WHERE IN queries containing over tens of thousands of values.
The need to rewrite queries is mildly concerning. If this was part of their Rails codebase, I'm curious if these patches will make it into the ORM.
Calling out limitations like this in the documentation would go a long way in building confidence in the project. Better yet, if there's an example of how to deal with "day-2" operational concerns like this.
Simply looking at the docs on these two pages, its unclear to me whether there's a way to update the mirror definition when a schema change occurs or if I need to drop & recreate the mirror (and what the effects of this are in the destination):
Thanks for the feedback and I agree on making these missing features more visible in our documentation! We did it here - But will make it more visible soon i.e. in streaming query, cdc, CREATE MIRROR docs etc. We were thinking something on the lines of ALTER MIRROR or provide a new OPTION in CREATE MIRROR that will automatically pick up schema changes etc. Exact spec is not yet finalized.