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From my experience, especially in big companies (but not only) most of the feedback is negative. People are not sharing positive feedback, and when they contact your manager it's usually an escalation process. That's why it's so important to reach to people who support you or simply create a content you like (blog posts, webinars, etc) and say: "thanks, I found a lot of value here".

> That's why it's so important to reach to people who support you or simply create a content you like (blog posts, webinars, etc) and say: "thanks, I found a lot of value here".

I've been trying to start up a blog this year (three posts in 7 months, woo!) and someone recently contacted me to tell me that my RSS feed was down and they didn't want to miss the next post. It carried me into the next week it meant so much.

I had a radio show in college (low power station, small college town) and a friend of a friend told me that, when he listened to the show while delivering pizza, he'd sprint to and from the customer's door so he could get as much of the show as possible. This was about the highest praise I could think of.

I made a habit out of emailing complete strangers from the internet who wrote content or technology I really appreciated with a short "thank you" or "this is really cool".

To my surprise when I first started doing this, the majority of them reply back with a genuine thanks.

I always care about explaining to the candidate how the interview will look like, and what are the most important elements I care about. When you skip this part, the candidate has no idea if for example during live coding, you care about the results, the code quality, IDE shortcuts fluency, etc. The feedback after the interviews proves it is a game-changer.

It's also good to check the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect - a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. Very useful during job interviews

There is also an interesting presentation about how Azul implemented their JIT called Falcon, that is fully based on LLVM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqch1rjPls8 Generally LLVM is a nice idea that allows vendors to reuse major components.

The one problem with LLVM is that it’s not very well suited to JIT compilers, a major component of which is its slowness.

Former Azul employee here

Absolutely correct that LLVM is a fair amount slower than C1 or C2. Azul augmented our JITs with a compilation recording & replay mechanism to combat the general start-up problems posed by JITs (including Falcon).

For those who are curious, here's my presentation on the topic: https://2018.jpoint.ru/en/talks/63npsyjpokmukqsag80oia/.

That’s not really accurate. It has strict requirements about stack traversal required to appropriately trace memory roots. This is incidental to JIT vs AOT.

Did you reply to the wrong comment?

Sorry, what did you read?

This comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23744360, where you're talking about JIT vs AOT in response to my LLVM one. I couldn't really understand how it followed.

My company uses mostly Java and TypeScript. However, it’s a good starting point to proof the technology on JVM languages and see how it’s adopted by the team, how many false-positives is generates, etc. With all automated tools the biggest issues usually are false-positives.

1800 commits since the last release - that's not the "continuous delivery" ;)

Smiley indicates that you're joking, but in case you're not, I don't see any commitment from their side about doing continuous delivery and it's neither the best way for ALL projects to do development. Most web startups seems to default to it these days, but that doesn't mean it's a MUST for all types of application building.

For those that care, it is though - they can do their own builds off the master or develop branch. You're confusing continuous delivery with continuous deployment. Delivery is that your software CAN be deployed at any given point, which is ensured by e.g. a test suite and other checks before something is merged.

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