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You’re checking the return value of the command here. Do you wrap all calls in an if?

I believe the author was talking about set -e (often used with -o pipefail), so that any unhandled error simply exits the script.

> Do you wrap all calls in an if?

I don’t need to check the exit status of every command.

> I believe the author was talking about set -e (often used with -o pipefail), so that any unhandled error simply exits the script.

I have no idea how you could get that impression from the section I quoted.

How would setting one option once at the top of the script mean “Requiring the user to manually check $? after each command”?

> there is no demand for (paid) background removal anymore as every iPhone can do it nowadays.

PhotoRoom begs to disagree with this statement.

… brings a counter theory to the parent comment to clearly explain why conclusions are hard to draw, then explicitly states that it’s inconclusive.

The bad faith and passive-aggressive tone were unwarranted.

Stranger than speaking out loud with your headset on?

Well, if you're on an airplane, you could do neither of those things and just watch a movie.

And if you're not out in public, you can use speech recognition more easily than learning ASL.

Smart people don’t consider themselves better than people around them.

This article is so annoying.

It has some truth to it, e.g. the mismatch between incentives and success, or even the corporate bullshit to avoid saying hard truths are on point. But the second part lacks the proper reasoning needed to establish the self-proclaimed intelligence of it author. Comparing software development’s product building with fencing competitions is so far-fetched, yet most of the arguments of the second part build on this premise. You don’t need amazing individuals to build a great thing, what you need is a great team. That’s why most people try to address the system. It’s hard to do when you factor in individual incentives, but it’s not because everybody is dumb, it’s because everybody (smartly) addresses their own self-interests above the company’s.

> Smart people don’t consider themselves better than people around them.

Do you have any direct evidence of this or are you merely making an observation.

>Smart people don’t consider themselves better than people around them.

He probably doesn't work in software. There's hubris in spades in that realm. The worst is when people's ego is significantly bigger than their actual ability.

Of course you patch it, but you don’t assume that every system affected by this 0-day got exploited. You try to check if some were and it’s obvious that people at Microsoft are doing exactly that.

Not saying that MS’s response was great, but I agree with GP that the whole thing is hyberbolic.

> Of course you patch it, but you don’t assume that every system affected by this 0-day got exploited.

Uhh, what? Of course you do. Why give the benefit of the doubt to hackers who hacked you with malicious intentions? That's the type of security nonsense that I'd expect from... Well, Microsoft lol

So every time a 0day is released you buy a net new device? Cause there are 0days like... every day.

If you find yourself owned by, and not only from a 0-day, then yes, you wipe everything clean and re-build with mitigations in place from the start as to not get reinfected in the process.

That's pretty much the only option if you safeguard valuable data for your customers. Yes, it's expensive to get breached, so take precautions to make it a rare event and contain it as much as possible when it happens.

I don't think the article is unreasonable. This is cloud infrastructure sold to companies with defense industry contracts where breaches are taken seriously.

I mean, yes, obviously, you have malware on a box you rotate that box. They had keys and they rotated the keys. But the implication here is that the attacker could have done anything and therefor they have to destroy everything, which is unreasonable.

Rotating keys are far from enough. If your keys are compromised, you need to revoke everything. Then you need to assess what the impact is and wipe anything the compromised keys had access to during the period.

This is not theoretical. When the openssl fiasco hit, I worked in a place under financial regulation. Not even the defense sector, which is under much stricter rules. We had to go through all logs to ascertain customer data was intact, and since leaking private keys did not leave a trace in the logs we then wiped clean all systems these keys secured.

This was a massive undertaking to coordinate and minimize downtime for customers but it was deemed necessary to comply with security regulations. To hear that a big juggernaut such as Microsoft doesn't even do this without facing much consequences is mind boggling. I can not understand how that would ever pass an audit.

Revoke everything? Everything?

I have literally done incident response I am well aware of what the investigation process is like.

Everything a potentially compromised key has signed, yes. What are we discussing here? This is standard procedure by every compliance processes I have ever had the misfortune to work with, but for quite good reasons. Hope alone won't pass an audit.

OK but "everything" and "everything the key may have signed" are obviously so insanely different.

> I mean, yes, obviously, you have malware on a box you rotate that box.

"The box" in this case is their entire org.

Evertime a 0day thar granted privilege escalation was found on installed bins/libs, we ran a script that looked at setsuids on anything and everything and did a report on what was found. We managed to find a crypto miner once.

Obviously I won't run it on my personal computer, but i'm not renting my pc to anyone.

Literally no one is suggesting that they don't perform a thorough investigation.

It's one thing if it's your laptop, but another if it's a system with billions of users.

A released 0day is an oxymoron..

I have a 0 day. I release it. I released the 0 day.

Hehe pedant but after that action, it's no longer a 0day...

It's named so because you have "0 days" to patch it; it's not referring to the age of the vuln.

Yes it is.

Great article, the example makes the point really clear. It probably applies just as well to other languages by the way.

Two small notes after completing my read:

1. You're using `npm prune --omit=dev` after the build. It's probably fast enough, but I'm wondering if it wouldn't be worth it to install the dependencies in two steps: first `dependencies` in a first image, then in a second image, copy those and rerun `npm install` to also install the `devDependencies`. You could then copy in the final image:

  - The production dependencies from the `deps` image
  - The built code from the `build` image
2. Also, it's probably a detail, but you're copying the entire app folder in the final image, maybe you could save some extra bytes by only copying the built artifacts (e.g. `dist/` in most setups).


1. That's interesting, I actually never thought about that. It could work in practice and could even be parallelised! It would just download some, or most, packages twice. I'll test that, thanks.

2. Indeed, it's easier when building a small repo but with a monorepos you need to be careful about copying the /dist at the right place + the package.json to not break runtime import. I think once again it's balance between what would be perfect and what we can live with.

Sorry but gotta say it the way it comes to my mind : « no shit, Sherlock ».

Listen to your body. Always.

Congratulations on the launch of such a nice replacement (and improvement!) of Algolia Places. It's much needed in this space.

Thanks @jerska!

Just wanted to say after trying out a few searches how blown away I am by this.

The level of understanding is indeed not there yet to rival directly with competitors, but you’re doing more than a decent job on a lot of requests which is no small feat looking at the competition.

Wishing you luck, and curious to see it evolve!

Thank you sincerely for trying out Andi, and for the encouraging feedback!

We know we have a lot of work to do. As a tiny team with a single developer, we're not expecting it to be perfect on day one.

But as you say the results are pretty blow away, especially the question answering, and it already does very well, especially given that Q&A feature only went live for real use 15 minutes before this post. We know we have a mountain for work to do. Because we don't capture or log searches or results, the feedback we're receiving here (especially where it goes wrong as well as right) is incredibly helpful for us.

We're going to keep iterating and improving the results as quickly as we can. They've already come a long way the last few weeks.

Thank you again for trying it out, and please reach out to us if we can help as you experiment with Andi.

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