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The new thing to do is put employees on a contract agreement for 30 days such that even IF you complete the ridiculous interview gauntlet, you are still a "tentative" employee and have to prove yourself. I did this for a YC company this spring and it was awful.

Seriously, how can we make matrix multiplication and gradient descent safe?

By asking this question, I assume you are being sarcastic and indirectly suggesting that legislation or other means of enforcing AI safety is impossible because it would refer to matrix multiplication and gradient descent and therefore be unreasonably broad, ruling out many harmless computations. However, it's unlikely that legislation or other enforcement would operate at that level of description, in the same way that laws regarding murder do not reference patterns of motor-neuron activation. It is reasonable to prevent certain certain classes of multiplication and gradient descent without doing so generically by using a more abstract level of description.

You should see the amount of esoteric knowledge on the reviews of Grateful Dead shows hosted on the Archive. It's impressive.


So many great shows too. Such an awesome resource for fans.

Cool citation

He's not obligated to prove anything to you. If you don't believe him you can easily look up the stat yourself.

They literally just made up a random number

I'll source -- http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2015/05/07/childlessness/

15% of women ages 40-44 in the USA have never given birth, from which we can pull 85% of women ages 40-44 have given birth, as of 2014.

Wow, I got it right to a percentage point? I didn't realize it was 40-44, so maybe it moves teensy bit with IVF past 44. Thanks a lot for the cite.

Source = Human Civilization?

> Apparently more people were watching Yogi Bear reruns than CNN in the US a few weeks ago during prime time.

lol fake news much? You got that from Sean Hannity's tweets. Cable news are reporting huge viewership



I read that here on right wing financial site ZeroHedge. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-06/cnns-rating-collaps...

Sean Hannity's tweets - along with any other TV bobble head of either political persuasion - are not something I ever pay attention too.

I try and read a cross section of perspectives across the political spectrum and draw my own conclusions from that...

Reading a variety of garbage that doesn't share their sources or even provide a ledger for what their data means isn't going to give you good conclusions. Including any of those outlets is a mistake.

Everything is relative. In my social circles virtually no one watches broadcast or cable TV any more. The ad industry relies on Neilsen ratings to say everything is wonderful in the world of passive consumption, but do you trust their stats? http://www.pajiba.com/think_pieces/ineffective-nielsen-ratin... Your dismissive idea about not bothering to 'read a variety of garbage' implies you will only read rubber stamped, verified information. The question there, as we all seek versions of the truth, is who is doing the verifying and what is their agenda... This is why the internet is such a wonderful thing, don't be fenced in by pre chewed and spun information...

If you don't trust Nielsen ratings, why are you reading things that only show you a sliver of that data and use it to make attacks?

Reading multiple sources doesn't matter if they're all trash, you'll read multiple biased accounts and then agree with the one conforming to your own bias. I don't read "rubber stamped information," I read things that can source their data and check the sources to make sure they aren't lying to me.

Your link's only source is another article that links to themselves multiple times before providing any source, a bad sign, then the source is provided without context. It basically says "lower on this list is worse therefore CNN sucks."

'sources' is the key word here...I'm not attacking anything.

Trusting such content and repeating their claims is attacking what they want you to.


>Bitcoin is widely regarded as the first broadly successful ecash system. An oft-cited concern, though, is that mining Bitcoins wastes computational resources. Indeed, Bitcoin’s underlying mining mechanism, which we call a scratch-off puzzle (SOP), involves continuously attempting to solve computational puzzles that have no intrinsic utility. We propose a modification to Bitcoin that repurposes its mining resources to achieve a more broadly useful goal: distributed storage of archival data. We call our new scheme Permacoin. Unlike Bitcoin and its proposed alternatives, Permacoin requires clients to invest not just computational resources, but also storage. Our scheme involves an alternative scratch-off puzzle for Bitcoin based on Proofs-ofRetrievability (PORs). Successfully minting money with this SOP requires local, random access to a copy of a file. Given the competition among mining clients in Bitcoin, this modi- fied SOP gives rise to highly decentralized file storage, thus reducing the overall waste of Bitcoin. Using a model of rational economic agents we show that our modified SOP preserves the essential properties of the original Bitcoin puzzle. We also provide parameterizations and calculations based on realistic hardware constraints to demonstrate the practicality of Permacoin as a whole.

> But the truth is that there are far less women than men who are like that, and that this will never change because of biological factors.

What about all the women through the 40s up until the 80s who worked as computer programmers? For a while it was a seriously female dominated field. A woman wrote the first compiler. A woman wrote the code to help get us to the moon. A woman taught my CS courses in high school and i had two female CS professors in college (and just about half my graduating class in that major was female).

Did biology change? Where's the science that says women as a whole don't enjoy IT as much? You crow on and on about science but provide no citations, no logical coherent argument.

When I see posts like this on HN, it makes me think you haven't worked closely with women. Or even know any lol

Well, we had Robert Moses and look how that turned out

He was the opposite of mass transit though. One can argue that if he had wielded his powers for good, that NYC would be much better off today.

He was more of an asphalt dictator who barely tolerated mass transit.

But I agree with your point.

These two instances are not at all remotely comparable lol

Just popped into my mind as I recently saw a documentary about him.

Have there been any articles / pieces about it from women working at Google? I'd be interested in hearing that perspective.

Several of them have tweeted about it.

And they all were all pretty mad. Which naturally nobody here seems to care about while everyone is busy writing up ten paragraphs of apologia about this stupid mess of an essay.

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