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It's pretty easy to say "terminal based" or "text mode" instead of CLI, which is misleading. I was expecting an alternative to sed.

I agree, in general, with the point of the article. But why does everybody have to make fun of Biden's speech issues (Stuttering)? That's a pretty low blow, bro.

Since when does stuttering make you speak nonsense, be forgetful and tired?

He’s stuttered his whole life. It doesn’t have to do with his age. Now that he’s old, people act like he suddenly has trouble speaking.

Apart from the stuttering, the constant lying (such as his speech plagiarism decades ago) has been something of a concern. Framing it as an old-age thing is an act of kindness.


Tara Reade

This is what medicine is like in the US. I've heard so many doctors complain about patients using "Dr Google" in one breath, then dismissing symptoms in the next. But hey, medical insurance companies are making lots of money! So everything is great!

Both of these statements have a significant number of cases where they are not true.

Unions are just another corporation. They balance the corporation that owns the assets. Nobody is locking anything down, they're just signing contracts. This is healthy for competition, not stifling.

Not quite “just another corporation”, they are often monopolies on labour.

Frankly, power imbalances in either direction isn’t good - because we all know it will be abused.

I would like to point out that none of your options are free... the closest would be to print staff paper on paper and hand write the notes. Which a lot of people won't like much because they don't have the skills for even that.

Wow. The assumptions in this article are deeply misguided. "Modern" doesn't equate to "better" at all. It's dismissive bordering on insulting to the actual people and technology that make our digital world actually work.

This is representative of the "Cargo Cult IT" I see so often these days. IT is so complex that so many people don't even try to understand it - they just read an article on how amazing something is and implement it everywhere. Right or wrong.

IT, like everything else, has to be effective. And to make it work on purpose, somebody has to understand it at a fairly low level. I don't see much of that anymore, even in some cases with the greybeards (yes, I have plenty of grey in my beard).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this article is all about "what" to do, but it's obvious that the why of things wasn't considered much if at all. Or, to put it another way, it's all about efficiency instead of effectiveness.

Hey, thanks for reading the article and sharing your thoughts. Totally get where you're coming from.

You're absolutely right that IT can be pretty complex, and just jumping on the latest trends without understanding the real deal isn't the way to go. This was meant to be a primer - a quick intro for those less familiar with the topic.

Indeed, understanding IT at a fairly low level is rare today as is NOT jumping on the next big thing without a clear idea of why you are doing something. This article was really meant to be an introduction to the top and there are so much more things to unpick.

Not when you believe that the absolute standard for truth was written thousands of years ago and never has and never will change. Forget historical truth, we already know that's absurd, but plenty of people think that way.

Or maybe the government should just pass a law requiring AI companies to create those jobs... That would be entertaining.

“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment” – Warren G. Bennis.

Personally I am going to start a company where the "AI" is actually a bunch of people in a business complex somewhere writing, typing, or speed painting all the content in real time.

We will be the first AI company whose final product is based fully on the Wizard of Oz model.

Sorry to say, you'd be far from the first. This is literally what "IBM Watson" was. (The consulting service, not the computer that played Jeopardy.) A bunch of traditional consultants cosplaying as an AI.

You’re late to the game: https://www.mturk.com/.

As a resident graybeard in my 50's, I have to say I really dislike working with rude and dismissive kids.

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