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My law professor told me to never sign a contract I didn't modify in some way, so I usually change these to be something I like better before hitting accept.

Because around 5% of people are profoundly unreasonable to the point of malignancy. That explains a lot of human behavior, actually.

Does it cause you problems in work or life? Then yes. If you don't know the answer then maybe it's worth trying for a while to see how it goes.

Beware, though, the first few weeks on ADHD meds can be intense (finding motivation you didn't know you didn't have), but they don't really last forever. Your brain adapts.

ADHD meds don't take away the superpower part as far as I've noticed. They just enhance it.

The thing that seems to be missed here is that passive aggression is a perfectly valid way to deal with direct and immature aggression, such as you get with personality disorders. Maintaining a level of deniability isn't always a bad thing. And any idealization of "direct aggressiveness" is just an excuse for psychopaths (or NPD, BPD, etc). Of which I've had enough in my life, thank you very much.

It's sad that much of the discussion here is effectively excusing fascism. Another case where passive aggression is a perfectly valid and mature coping mechanism.

Oh absolutely. The phrase "I'm sorry you feel that way" disconnects you from the other person, and if that is an appropriate thing to do, then it's an appropriate phrase to use. If someone is trying to guilt-trip you into action that you don't morally need to take and don't want to take, then use this phrase. It asserts your boundaries.

Also, I'd take issue with the phrase always being passive-aggression. Sure, in certain circumstances it can be used as a passive-aggressive move, but in a situation where you are using it to handle someone who is coming at you with a terrible manipulative sob-story to try to pull you into their fantasy world where you have to help them at every turn, then using this phrase is not passive-aggressive - it's just protecting yourself.

Other similar useful phrases are: "I'm sorry to hear that", "That's terrible", "Okay", "Right", "I see".

Yet another clickbait title. Correlation is not causation.

The basic idea is sound. But the majority of the examples are strangely politically biased and in my experience they are things I've never heard from the 1%.

This is exactly right. And codeless tends to not have the capability of dealing with complexity very well, meaning architecture is brittle.

I'll just sit over here with my multiple chemical sensitivities that are somehow "controversial". How asthma and migraines can be controversial I'll never know. But those jerks in the "fragrance" industry that tried to paint this as "ideopathic" are every bit as bad as the tobacco industry. But hey, propane scented candles are so nice!

I'm not actually allergic (AFAIK) but I dread walking buy a perfumed candle/soap store. They should have to be sold from tents like fireworks.

Why can't we just come out and say that the agent / capital model is consumer antagonistic and work on fixing it? This is just a symptom, the cause needs to be addressed by the legislature.

We can't say it not because it's not-quite taboo, but the agents that benefit from the model employ a psyops where everyone who points out the problem is a weakling loser and shouldn't be listened to. If you're losing at Capitalism it's clearly your fault, and not entrenched parties with millions of times the resources as you thwarting you however they can.

There are so many things left unsaid, but implied, in this post. I love it.

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