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Hoping MS will create a Azure Linux and a Windows desktop on top of it.

Don’t have to take the survey so seriously. It’s not representative of all JS community. My circle of JS hackers don’t even bother to participate.

You're mistaking "representative" with "inclusive".

The survey can be a representative sample, without including your ̈́"circle of JS hackers". That's how surveys work.

Is there any reason to suspect Flow users are less likely to do the survey than, say, TypeScript users?

I can speculate here a little bit. Majority of survey users has less than 10 years of experience. That makes them susceptible of being Visual Studio Code users. VSC - Microsoft product. Typescript is Microsoft product as well.

I am curious (as a VSCode user) what makes you conclude that junior devs are likely to use VSCode?

It is really good tool and free one. Better tools are either commercial or requires a lot of learning.

hostmyapple macincloud

Amplify+AppSync client SDK support is pathetic compared with Firebase. No official support for Flutter, Xamarin and Unity apps.

One “issue” I have with Keep is there is no way to list notes or search notes without a label. And it’s from a search company. It must be hard for them to implement:-) or there is no more resources on Keep, waiting to be out like Inbox.

The bigger announcement along side the launch of SGQR is the openning up of FAST, electronic inter-bank transfer, to fintech and non-banks companies.

I'm currently using NETSPay [1] in Singapore to do e-transactions.

It's a bit cumbersome at the moment; most shops assume I'm using NFC to pay (which I think is the default option) but my cheap Xiaomi android phone doesn't have NFC, so I have to ask them to print out or display the QR code for me to scan using the app.

Other than that, it works: once scanned, the transaction completes within seconds.

[1] https://www.nets.com.sg/consumer/products/netspay

You should explicitly say that you wish to pay by "NETS QR". Otherwise they assume you mean by card or NFC.

What is needed for more adoption is Kotlin SDK for Firebase & AWS.

Chromebook is appealing for enterprise for its cheaper price and low support maintenance. There are many enterprises already running Citrix or AWS Workplace remote desktop to run enterprise app, I don't see how MS Office can not be run this way.

What do you use it for?

I would use for anything I put on a RPi: a DNS server, a MQTT backend, some light backends for a web app (I need to connect to some light services and prices their output into a JSON), a monitoring service,...

Just curious why in China there are several app stores for Android (Tencent, 360, Baidu etc), while the rest of the world uses mainly Google Play Store?

The Google Play Store is outside the great firewall and therefore probably unusable in China. Phone makers aren't going to ship phones with unusable app stores, so they need to use alternatives. It's the same reason UC Browser and QQ Browser are so popular in China.

I'm curious why there aren't more app store outside China, as evidently from China example, the app store business is sustainable, and Android outside China has a bigger market.

Samsung, Motorola, Amazon, etc. have tried. The trick is to convince all the developers to publish on your app store, so the users will use your app store. They're not going to bother if the phones also have the Google Play Store. The phone manufacturers need to include the Play Store or users won't buy the phones. There is a large first mover advantage.

Play Store is the default app store on essentially all Android devices aside from the Amazon Kindle Fire. Adding a third-party app store involves enabling sideloading in the system settings and manually downloading an APK. Why would a user go to that effort, when essentially all Android apps are already available on the Play Store?

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