Thanks, i am aware however that matlab have some tols that are worthwhile. But the main thing here is to have an utility lib for python so that you can use it with the entire python ecosystem :)
gotcha, thanks for the feedback. This post provided me with feedback for the first time, before I was just developing the lib for myself. I will add additional info in the following days
It is for hyperspectral images for now :) I am aware that more visual representation should be added, but would require me to prolong showing it to wider public. I was hoping this would bost reputation and get any potential collaborators hooked to the project heh
Yes I know, but this is still my free time and effort I am putting in. I will try to add additional examples over time, but for now this was everything I managed to do :) For now I was a solo developer, it would be much easier if anyone would help me out
As you figured, I gathered and refactured multitude of the code that I mainly used in my research project. However, this is still not to say that someone cant find it useful :) I make a ton of effort to at least document the api and write at least some parts of the docs ;)
ok, just making sure that we are on the same page. Yeah, the inception was mostly organic, since in the last years I could not find a library that would enable me to easily do these things. Most of the code we use internally at the institute and I figured why not to share it with others. Maybe anyone will also get encouraged to help me with implementation of other useful features.