Ionic 2 is the next generation of Ionic, the popular open-source mobile app development SDK that makes it easy to build top quality mobile apps with web technologies.
Ionic 2 is based on the new 2.x version of AngularJS, and comes with many significant performance, usability, and feature improvements.
- Run npm install.
- In the ionic2 working directory, run gulp watch. This will transpile the Ionic project files to es5 (using the 'system' module format), bundle them, build out all the Ionic examples, and watch for future changes. In dist/js/es6/ionic you will find clean es6 Ionic files (no @Annotations), and in dist/js/es5/ionic you will find all of the Babel-transpiled es5 Ionic project files. The Ionic bundle is located at dist/js/ionic.bundle.js and the examples are located in dist/examples.
- Go to http://localhost:8000/dist/examples/
- Stay cool
Been there last summer, it's really an interesting place.
It's crazy to see how people left everything back when they leaved. The city seems to be stuck in 90's. Nothing changed since. Stunning..
> At GitLab we solved the above problem by adding a 100 lines with just a hyphen placeholder at the top of the changelog. People can insert their entry at a random location in the changelog. There is still a chance of conflict when two merge requests change the same line but it is greatly reduced. It looks a bit strange to have these empty lines on top so we added a comment to explain their purpose..
Seems they no longer use this method. Instead they use `CHANGELOG merge=union` in a .gitattributes file at the root of the repository. That means that conflicting merges take changes from both sides of the conflict. It's what you usually want with a changelog.
I even build apps to read more: - to have full content in RSS feeds - to have GitHub star repo’s release as feed