Immediately dove in to the Foc and Foneria stations in Barcelona. I thought we had some long escalators here in Washington DC but after exiting there and taking escalator after escalator after escalator (repeating) to exit the station, my mind was sufficiently blown.
I did agency work for a while. One of our clients around 2010 was the US Holocaust museum here in DC. They had stumbled on a trove of pictures of orphaned children and needed help identifying them. We built a site to display them and integrated a handful of carefully selected social networks including Polish network Nasza Klasa. The idea was that people could share these photos and through the network effect, the museum would be able to find, tell, and archive the stories of these children. I was skeptical that anything would come of it but almost immediately, the site started getting results like "that's my father" or even "that's me". It still amazes me.
Looks like the site is miraculously still up though the Cufon is looking a little rough these days:
My gig has been doing 4-day x 8hour work weeks since long before I started. We have Wednesdays off which is a bit unusual but means I never work more than two days in a row (unless I want to swap a Wednesday for a Friday). It's pretty great.
I got a white noise machine recently and it has been an absolute game-changer. I live in a pretty dense city and with warmer weather, neighbors have been spending more time hanging out outside. Their noise into the wee hours was keeping me up and preventing me from sleeping or enjoying open windows. I put the white noise machine next to my bed, set the thing on full blast, and have been sleeping through the night peacefully. Probably one of the better $50 spends I've made recently.
I'm not sure if your problem is noise or what but I'd wager that a machine like this could be helpful in a plethora of situations. It's just pretty calming.
We've been doing this (4day x 8hr) at Monograph ( for much longer than I've been at the company. I like to think we're a bit of an outlier since we take Wednesdays off. While this seems strange, it means that I never work more than two days at a time, I have time in the middle of the week to recharge, and I don't totally lose context on problems I'm working on. We could argue that this means it's not a true "off" day which may be true but I'm completely happy with this setup.
That sounds like a very family-friendly policy, but as a single individual it would be vastly less useful than regular 3 and 4 day weekends that could be used for travel.
I just bought one a week ago to deal with noisy neighbors. Can’t believe I waited so long. It’s also nice to have on a lower setting during the day to drown out general city annoyances
This is cool. I'm looking to level up my Obsidian usage and I really like the author's thoughtfulness and optimism in their daily notes.
My favorite thing so far has been using Daily Notes to track a morning score and an evening score in the markdown's frontmatter. The score is just a "how I'm feeling" and can encompass really any aspect of my wellbeing. I'm working on a project to parse the data out of my daily notes so I can try to visualize trends. Eventually I want to mash in more data (listening history, Strava activity level, steps from Garmin, etc.) to see what kinds of things have, or seem to have, effects on my well-being.
My new gig does a 4days x 8hr work week. It was a major reason for joining the company and has proven to really help reshape how I work and how I think about work. Interestingly, we take Wednesdays off with the ability to trade that day on an as-needed basis. This gives us 2x 2-day work sprints per week. I find that I roll into Thursdays having had a day to reset a little bit, tackle personal projects, cook a huge meal, or go for a long bike ride. Friday comes and I haven't once felt the "Thank god it's Friday" feeling, but rather "Oh, it's Friday already?" in the same way that I used to feel it after a 3-day weekend.
Damn, that's an S-tier company. I just looked at the job description and the interview process is extremely good as well. I hope multiple options for the tech portion of the interview process will become commonplace soon.