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Ditto here, it comes and it goes, but I can see this switch doesn't help our overall fail rate.

Okay, thought I'd mention it because it's had such a significant effect for me. So that possibly means that in my case the Auth0 <-> Instagram connection is something to investigate further.

Same here, made the change a couple of days ago and saw no change in failures.

'twas definitely worth a shot; no worries

War will not happen between the US and China (2 economies which are inexorably intertwined) for no other reason than it will be exceedingly bad for business.

War will not happen between the US and China (2 economies which are inexorably intertwined) for no other reason than it will be exceedingly bad for business.

One could have said this about the U.S. and Germany in 1927.

I don't think war between the U.S. and China is likely, and I certainly hope it would never happen because no one would win that, but I don't think that argument has historic validity.

>One could have said this about the U.S. and Germany in 1927.


I read about history sometimes and am a big fan of WW2.

I've never heard Germany and the US being "inexorably intertwined" and find the comparison to China/US almost preposterous given the modern global economy and the feeder/lecher relationships we have now.

German was(/still-is) the biggest community in USA:

"They comprise about 50 million people, making them the largest ancestry group ahead of Irish Americans, African Americans and English Americans."


People did say that about Germany and Britain in 1909.


On the main point of the article, I do agree that a lot of ideas fly higher in San Francisco than other parts of North America. I see "Highlight" as a good example of this where an app finds a lot of early adopters in a small area but it becomes harder for that kind of ubiquity to happen somewhere people aren't as fascinated by new technology like people outside of the valley are.

I believe that a number of communities like this end up being "geek ghettos" on account of this.

Chrome 25, I got sent to Paypal.

Chrome 25 mac, didn't get sent to paypal.

Do you have scripts disabled? Because it wouldn't work in that case.

I got sent to paypal with scripts enabled using the same configuration. Without scripts, it obviously doesn't work.

Interestingly middle-click in Chrome executes the script, but not in Firefox.

I'm also using Chrome 25, and it's not sending me to PayPal. Is there any particular extensions that is causing it to send you to PayPal?

did you click or ctrl / cmd click?

If you do that it goes to Paypal, without it goes to the redirected site.

For native iOS it's required.

*edit - my bad, it looks like that's not the primary use.

I haven't used it personally, but Angellist jobs looks interesting: https://angel.co/jobs

I like that they have to disclose ballpark salaries. Makes it easier to get a sense for how the company values developers.

We're creating a more targeted platform than AngelList called EquityLancer, aimed at providing a marketplace where equity is used as a currency. In doing so, the jobs on our site are guaranteed to offer equity.

We've seen more than 90% of the jobs posted on our site also include salary. After reading many of the posts in this thread, I'm eager to expand the functionality of our platform's tools to include many of the methods described in finding a job outside the popular platforms.

I can confirm this. I have used Angellist successfully. Both talking to several startups as well as getting hired.

So Disney Dollars are illegal?

If they are traded outside Disney. Yes. Other than that, that's not currency. That's just a paper stating that you already paid for something.

You do have some options though. We use http://www.crittercism.com for bug reports in both Beta and live versions. Testflight also has introduced its SDK for live apps, which also and for our app we user Both do symbolication of crashes so you can find out what breaks.

Sure, but the problem is not finding the bug, it's using your users to find it. You can't rapidly deploy and iterate in minutes on the Apple App Store like you could with a web app. This is somewhat better on Google Play.

Victoria "booming" is a pretty extraordinary claim. I'm in Vancouver, and there is at least some startup activity, but I can't think of much in Victoria. Maybe from a non-tech perspective it looks that way, but look at the companies in both locations and see which are hiring. It's probably the most objective way of finding out which is "booming".

Renting in Vancouver is generally cheaper than SF. Buying a place may be a different story, but rent is reasonable in Vancouver.

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