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You clearly don't know what it means to be introvert. It's not a choice, it's almost like a phobia.

As an introvert, what does being an introvert have to do with phobias? If you have a phobia for being around other people, this is not being introverted.

Before mobile phones where a thing, we used to memorize the phone numbers of every family member and friend and co-worker, etc. The numbers we rarely used, we wrote down or looked up in the phone book. When you got a new number, you maybe wrote it down, then after having dialed it a couple of times, it stuck. This didn't really require any effort, it was just the natural way of doing things.

Then came the mobile phone with the ability to store contacts, today I can't even remember my wife's number.

I have coded for more than 40 years and I hate autocomplete, language servers, etc. I don't use any of it because I have found (after having tried to use it all) that, just like with phone numbers, you don't remember much if you use all of that and you have to make a real effort, but things just don't stick the same way. But if don't use any of that, you only have to look things up in the beginning, then occasionally, then rarely or never again and more things just stick, you get faster in a natural way and you understand your code better. You also think deeper about how to structure your code and how to organize everything.

If you always use a crutch to help you walk, you will never walk by yourself. The crutch will look like it is helping you, but that's only in the beginning, eventually it will hinder you and hold you back.

That's my 2 cents.

> Do you just use a password manager

Yes. I recommend KeePassXC[1] or GoKey[2].

> Log in with Google, Apple

No, never!

[1] https://keepassxc.org/

[2] https://github.com/cloudflare/gokey

> I Made a Website for Problems

Nice. I already see a problem. It requires a Google account. I don't have a Google account and I do not want a Google account. So how do we solve that problem?

I have a friend who works in production. I cannot remember exactly what his education is, but it's a type of engineer. If you want something produced that you have invented, he can get it done.

He has mentioned that they have software that can calculate the average lifespan of the finished product by entering the different components that goes into the product (like this piece has this amount of iron, this amount of tin, etc).

Based upon this the software can calculate the lifespan very precisely and determine if they have made it "too good". If it's too good the quality is decreased on purpose in order to reduce the lifespan such that people will buy more. Other testing goes into the equation as well, but enough data has been collected over the years that it can be calculated/simulated.

Trade: If the company at ANY POINT calculates a lifetime analysis for the whole or any sub-component, the SHORTEST LIFETIME DURATION, MUST be advertised at the same print scale size and next to the price of the product at all times.

That's one way to put it. Another would be to say that an appliance is (or should be) designed to last for approximately the amount of time it is likely to be in use, as people often upgrade old machines that haven't failed because the new ones are more energy efficient, faster, quieter, more convenient or clean better. There is no point in designing a washing machine to last 50 years, it only adds to the cost and nobody will use it for that long.

There’s an old story of Henry Ford sending agents to visit junkyards to catalog which parts of the car were still good when a critical part failed. Those were then redesigned to be cheaper in later revisions, so the entire thing fell apart at once.

That software sounds great! Can individuals or small organizations get access to that software ? How ?

As far as I have understood, it's not something you can simply buy. Only certain industries get access to buying it.

Thank you. Very useful comparison.

It's the same problem in Denmark as well.

Yes, let's have even more of people just writing code and not knowing anything about how anything works! Just what we need more of.

In my younger days, a successful compilation step was reason for shipping it. Has that changed?

Wrote any assembly recently?

I hope you're joking here! If not, I would fire him on the spot. If for nothing else, he should not be messing with sshd debugging if he doesn't know what he is doing.

No joke. Happened just 2 weeks back.

Exactly this! It's Sweden, not the US.

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