Yeah, that sucks for you. But again - you didn't own the view, you just expected the view to be there. If you wanted to own the view, you'd have to own all the land in eyeshot.
We're using alternate definitions: I'm using "my null hypothesis", as in my zero-numbered hypothesis that I would then attempt to test for. You're using, presumably "the Null Hypothesis" as a specific hypothesis suggesting that two populations have no causal relationship [IIRC]. My null-ordered labelling just confused my hypothesis with a particular default used in some statisitical arenas AFAICT.
idanoeman's use of "null hypothesis" is far more standard than yours. And if you use such a phrase in a highly non-standard way, you can't be surprised that people think it means something other than what you meant...
Unless the gibberish is the same every time, the repeated sound of your password will still be parsable from a long enough sound recording of your computer usage.
I think it is more accurate to say that the gibberish is unlikely to _always_ be the same.
I think one can tend to create similar gibberish over time. I've worked on a system where I needed to do a new signup every time I wanted to test a feature and I've run into issues where the gibberish I entered matched an account that I had previously created.
Yep! Always a bit of fun when someone goes to use my laptop for an end-of-sprint presentation and types a bunch of gibberish infront of all the stakeholders :D
No it's not. The fruit is: use a sideloaded Signal which you built yourself if you really need to be secure. If you're not, Signal is still better than Telegram or Whatsapp.
The problem with the sunset feature is if you're playing a game it absolutely destroys the FPS I get. Unfortunately I think the shortest interval is 20seconds, which is a pretty long time to be playing a competitive game that stutters.