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This play to earn title is a particularly annoying dig at the recently blown up phrase where users can play to earn Blockchain tokens in nft based games which has actually enabled young men in the Philippines to quit their jobs as taxi drivers and involved them in an ecosystem which otherwise has exacerbated inequalities and trampled on the rights of humans in their country as historically corrupt government has minimsed the earning potential of the working class not and left the upper class eternally skeptical of their own government.

To make a dig like this and then not even acknowledge it in the content is exactly what I would expect from a white American who has no concept of how certain trends impact anyone other than themselves.

The article's point was to say that these grind games are not actually adding economic value, because it required existing wealth to come into the system to pay out the grind (and the company sucks out some transaction fees).

The game itself may possibly be fun for those that pay (instead of grind), but that's hard to judge.

It appears some people are still so uneducated about life in north Korea they believe they believe the people can fire up a browser extension and overthrow the government or something.

Alot of people don't WANT to leave either and have been so brainwashed they are terrified of the outside world and believe it is a lawless land filled with gang warfare and burning trashcans, according to one of my friends who got to tour there which is a very rare privilege and outsiders are supervised every moment on a state sponsored tour after being forced to leave flowers at the dictators picture upon landing in North Korea and anyone who refuses to do so before following their sanctioned state sponsored tour (no unsupervised interactions with any citizens is allowed the entire time) is sent back on the plane immediately. The tour guide asked him how he had survived the outside world so long and if he was so relieved to finally be in a safe place when he got on....

I'm not sure the dictator is suddenly going to allow them to download Google chrome and install metamask and pretend he doesn't know what's going on and watch his country be overthrown he would more likely nuke his own people first.

People who "need access" doesn't everyone brainwashed by an authoritarian dictator need access to the internet to help themselves escape?

Not everyone who needs access has access. A select few who are at the mercy of the dictator do to do his work.

Some people have been known to try to sneak across the border and meet Chinese people in the woods to exchange goods.

Some people send balloons with notes from the outside world over the border to reach people inside.

Perhaps a select few have some garnered enough information about how to use the internet without getting caught they are willing to risk being murdered to do so if they find something dire enough using the internet for but to say people who "need" the internet fire up wiregaurd and call it a day before watching their daily stream of YouTube influencers is an understatement to say the least...

Yup. Only a few businessmen who work for the North Korean dictator, and they are up to no good.

Anyone else using the internet not doing work for the North Korean government would be murdered if caught.

In North Korea they have the "intranet" which is an internal network of learning resources you can use at the local North Korean libraries and schools! It is all propoganda.

Oh no...

How do I tell you this? People in North Korea don't have access to YouTube and the internet.

Are you aware of what life is like for the people of North Korea?

Only a few select businessmen working for leaders of North Korea are ever allowed to leave and they usually travel to china for unknown business.

Giving a talk like this in North Korea is like teaching businessmen how to engage in moving criminal/ terrorism money without getting caught.

No normal citizen can run the internet/has access to the internet and if they were caught doing so they would be murdered so there's no way any of them could engage in this anyways.

I'm so sorry noone told you what North Korea is like.

"No normal citizen can run the internet/has access to the internet..."

So, the ones that do have access to the internet, could in fact, as the parent suggests, just go on youtube and get that info. Am I missing something?

Except those are the privileged caste, so it would be immoral to do such a thing in any case.

> Giving a talk like this in North Korea is like teaching businessmen how to engage in moving criminal/ terrorism money without getting caught.

Since when is that problematic? Should we lock up CIA agents for 20 years too? I thought USA was the land of the free.

The fact that he was allowed to give the talk indicates that the North Korean government was happy for these people to know this information. So they also would have been fine with giving the same people the same information from the internet.

The point about the information being publicly available on the internet is that it's public information. Not that your average Joe in NK can access it. The regime most certainly does have internet access though, so pretending like this guy gave some top secret info worth locking him up for 20 years of his life for is ridiculous. Nevermind that in 2019 we were in active peace talks with North Korea and even Trump was seen walking across the border without secret service protection to speak with Kim Jong Un that year.

> The point about the information being publicly available on the internet is that it's public information.

Modulo local government laws.

I am not disagreeing with your larger opinion but we have to be careful about “it’s on the internet hence anyone can access it” line of argument.

For instance Pornhub is blocked in India. So if someone were to access it from within India through VPN or whatnot then they are breaking a law and have to face the consequences.

I will speak out against BS like that too. Just because a law exists doesn't make it right or moral.

Clearly have not been abused by a company wanting you to do 5x as much work as one developer should. We need many more software engineers and many more innovations in the industry so software engineers don't suffer from chronic burnout and being underpaid.


- someone who worked at a semiconductor startup

I'm at FAANG hardware, and I never know when to leave to join a startup for a big payday. In hindsight.. the Nuvia exit was pretty obvious :(

Then again, so many other failures.

As someone who spent five years in Facebook doing hardware after an acquisition, my advice is to save enough to be comfortable and then apply your passion and knowledge to a startup doing something you believe is worthwhile. Worst case if it fails, you get to move the needle a bit in a space, make useful connections, learn a bunch, and then bounce back to a FAANG job.


Exit before validation is so specious

Yeah, it's an expensive acquihire.

Expensive only means anything if you are not made of money: these megacorps are literally made of money. What's $1.4B to keep down a possible competitor? To keep down someone who may have made their chips generally usable? Who may have upstreamed support?

It's just unsatisfying to the world to have absolutely no new evidence, no points of data, no benchmarks in capitalism, no way to figure out what to expect of product, when interesting companies are acquihired & their efforts to do good pulled into the spider web of megacorp-ism. The world literally learns nor understands nothing, after Nuvia got bought. Whatever comes out will be a synthetic other. Similar to so many other acquisitions. The backing of the larger company changes the effort itself, & diminishes the competitiveness of the offering.

And the intent to support the thing well, the desire to form a solid community: dead. The new corporate largess defines the environment for whatever might ship. There will be no radical new upstreamings, new mainlinings. It will be business as usual, alas, most probably: closed, highly proprietary vendor drops. An anti-free anti-accessible system of chipmaking, unsupportability-writ-large, re-asserting itself, over what might have been.

It seemed the world might get a sip of that sweet ambrosia, but now we all sip again as we are permitted from the great leadened chalices. Nothing new will be offered.

Anti-trust now (and yesterday too). I can not believe that the DoJ ended the anti-trust suit against Qualcomm[1][2]. This is such capitol evidence about how shitty chip-making is: everyone of potential value gets immediately snatched by a colossus. This system is poisoned. Why are the regulators doing nothing? Why is there no back-pressure against this system of everyone being acquired? Nothing new is ever permitted. Everything is hideously broken.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26629492

[2] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-29/u-s-aband...

Easy to say "properly" winterized without going into the details on how one would insulate natural gas lines across thousands of miles which requires digging up gas lines to replace them or investing more in on going research on liquids that can be injected into the peiplines that are antifreeze that don't contaminate the gas also flowing in them. Alot of innovation is going on in that direction but it's still heavily regulated.

It's good the power grid is heavily regulated.

The tldr is texas isn't often covered with sleet and snow and has made great strides in renewable energy. Now that one ice storm has hit everyone is acting like every moment of the past ten years should have been spent preventing it when in reality it requires heavy regulation and taxes. Texans don't like taxes.

FERC was almost completely cleaned out when Trump came to power so the entire set of regulations is backed up by a few years.

In reality "winterizing" gas pipelines is an unsolved problem in technology and the more manual way required digging up thousands of miles of people's land and property to use tax money to put in new pipes.

Try going to a texans property and telling them the state wants to increase your taxes to dig up a gas line and replace it with a new one....

Texas has wanted to retain the ability to secede from the union and having their own power grid enables them with that independence but it is hard to tell without looking at a layout of the power grid if being connected to other states who were also freezing would have helped, which is a good time to add that having a layout of the power grid requires special levels of as needed access upon which bypassing is a felony atleast.

As someone who stared at the east coast power grid everyday for 5yrs doing power analysis and reliability studies on it, I never had access to the Texas power grid, but I'm amazed how many people on the internet act like they do.

As a full disclosure I'm an Electrical Power Engineer who specializes in wind and solar, electrical power grid and substation design and worked in electrical energy markets and power flow for four years after working for a renewable energy startup. I went into this field because I care about renewable energy, but I have also learned the system is heavily gained and renewable energy sources have their flaws like for example you know ice can kind of freeze solar and turbines over, as well as pipelines.

It's been very hard to have objective and we'll informed takes in this field with people who aren't working in power grid stuff because they assume if I have constructive criticism on how renewable energy policy could be better or has previously incentivized corruption then I am an evil republican who wants gas and oil to rule the world and we all die due to global warming.

Now is also a good time to mention the concept of global cooling. Due to this and not global warming Texas is probably in for a lot more cold weather and it makes sense to assess what "winterizing" power sources actually means, instead of just demanding it without any understanding of what that would entail what it would cost and whether Texans are willing to put their money where their mouth is given they are typically hands off when it comes to massively coordinating with state and local regulation more than they need to.

> Now is also a good time to mention the concept of global cooling.

Might I ask what major climate science organizations are endorsing this concept? Or are you talking about increased localized extreme weather, both hot and cold, due to global warming?

The most interesting pardons are the no name ones. Pardoned restaurant chain fraud for an italian not even charged in NY. Sounds like mafia related crime to me.

The other no name money laundering criminals are all related to either his gambling businesses or his place of living in Florida.

He's basically pardoning people he's been doing crimes with for a long time and then if course some big names.

I'm happy to see some rappers pardoned though tbh. Their music has influenced my life, they've done great deal of good outside of music and none of them were in the can for things like harming women or animals etc.

IMO it was Lil Wayne's verse criticising Bush that earned him the pardon:

"I gotta bring the hood back after Katrina / Weezy F Baby now the F is for FEMA"

There were some deserving pardons here...

"The CAN-DO Foundation thanks President Trump for providing a second chance to numerous deserving individuals through the use of his Executive Clemency powers. Many defendants that receive draconian sentences are individuals who exercised their Sixth Amendment right to a trial and suffered the trial penalty phase by receiving harsh mandatory sentences many times greater than if they had taken a plea. These sentences were often based primarily on the testimony of other co-conspirators who received sentence reductions once they testified and were in many cases far more culpable. Executive clemency represented the last hope for many of these individuals to have a second chance at life since (with limited exceptions) there is no federal parole."



Gun possession is a non-violent crime. It’s insane that Lil Wayne can’t possess a gun because he once possessed a gun in a place that only the rich, well connected, or retired police officers can possess a gun.

They were pardoned because they paid Trump campaign favors, putting his corrupt administration and their own self interest over the good of a nation in crisis. That's far worse than their original crimes.

Many pardons are recommended to the President by the Justice department for various reasons. A lot are for non-violent drug crimes that someone in the department felt was too harsh/etc...

It's not like they are all Trump's friends. But obviously conspiracy theories will prevail, sadly.

>Many pardons are recommended to the President by the Justice department for various reasons

Most Trump's pardons bypassed DOJ.



The "conspiracy theories" were in Trump's pardon documents, like the "Russia hoax".

You must have missed the declass on the origins of the Russia hoax, where Steele admitted that he intentionally leaked information and engaged in info-laundering because he saw Trump as being potentially damaging to UK/US relations.

And where he admits that he leaked info in order to counter the effect of Hillary's emails on the 2016 election. So, literal foreign interference in an election.

You may have also missed the declass that showed Fiona Hill perjured herself when she stated she had no idea who Christopher Steele was- yet actually met with him while he was compiling his dossier.

Nobody was convicted on the basis of Steele's dossier.

I'm glad to see kodack black pardoned. He's a super genuine artist. His music changed my life. His crime was lying how many white boys have lied in court and served less than 46months in prison. He truly turned his life around for many years now and it reflects in his music.

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