Yeah, seems a bit weird for me to see that there. I like both of these guys, but Primeagen seems to be attacked a bit out of the blue here. He’s reacting to this just like he’s reacting to literally anything else on his channel.
I also don’t think it’s been anything too bad, he’s said his opinion, just like the rest. He reacts to it with energy (and in an entertaining way, imo), and it’s impossible for him to not address these things as a live streamer. Ignoring it would be weird.
Agreed, and to add on to what you said - this whole thing is confusing so he is actually doing a service of trying to summarize all the context for people who don’t want to go reading a bunch of random articles or tweets.
Which model did you use? I read your comment when this HN thread was alive and decided to try to feed it a few websites (such as PEP8[0] for Python), and it only took a few minutes for LoRa training to complete, and the answers were not good. I also have a 3080.
Tutorial on how to deny Guest users in Azure AD[1]
In general, one should always use roles in Azure. Even if you have a flaw like this, your endpoint would be safe if you required a role to access your endpoint.
For multi-tenants, I completely this misconfiguration, there’s no real warnings when configuring it. In order to lock down to specific tenants, I recommend having a list of issuers that you check the token against.[2]
Who said it’s for onboarding? It contains good resources, a quick overview of some crates and tools and shows some quick comparison examples - all good things for people who haven’t really touched rust. It won’t shape a developer for life, or even a week for that matter.