There is a whole world of space patch collecting and whatnot. The different companies and sometimes mistakes make some patches worth more then others. Of course, flown patches also still collect a nice sum. Me and my father own a large number of flown patches and "beta cloth" patches.
Growing up, I bought an Apollo 9 patch on ebay that I liked. I shortly after got an email from none other then John Bisney who said it was a variety he had never seen before and offered me a small sum for it. As a kid still using dial-up, it was quite the experience at the time!
The repo for the iOS app has not been updated in months so the new company that purchased the app last year (and was known at the time to be sketchy) has clearly made whatever changes behind the scenes.
That is what some of the consensus is considering Microsoft is holding an event on Thursday titled “Advancing the new era of work with Copilot”. There’s a chance something gets released on Tuesday.
Ah yes, if there was documentation, it would specify that a Hilton key card should be used. Otherwise, a Hyatt or Westin key card being used may cause an incorrect check result of the door seal and cause possible loss of life.
Some good stuff in there, but my absolute favorite lines are "People had spent their entire careers at WM learning nothing and were not about to start learning now. The expert beginners had axes to grind. Beyond that, management had a problem with anyone who had made themselves irreplaceable."
After using and maintaining Screenconnect for many years, this kind of thing is no surprise. Up until the past year or two, you literally had to generate MFA codes manually and copy and paste them on a user by user basis to one giant webpage. Most of this kind of authentication seemingly was text / database based. For example, we had a list of 800 users who had access to their personal machines and when making changes, you could see their passwords in clear text (because we as admins had to set them).
> Fifty years from now, to viewers of photos your backyard is going to seem incredibly exotic.
I don't know if I agree. I think part of the allure of these old photographs is partly based on how rare and special (for lack of a better word) photography was back then. Each photograph was planned or thought out for the most part and very few people had cameras to take photographs. There isn't a treasure trove of images available and that is what makes these old images interesting.
Fifth years from now, there will be billions of pictures of people's backyards online, with most people thinking theirs are special.
There's a particular value in seeing how things were in day to day life in the 70s or the 30s or whenever. I love looking at old family photos not just because I can see myself as a baby, but I can see what furniture and televisions and clothes we all had back then.
I was speaking with some friends at a Christmas party who work for the Navy - they’ve taken deliveries of planes from Boeing with the same sort of issues that start in the factory. They even went as far as to say the whole lot of planes should’ve been rejected but weren’t. Multiple things not built to spec.
The planes they worked on did not share an assembly line with the 737 but another Boeing model…
If I recall properly, sometime after the MAX crash saga, the Air Force simply refused to take delivery of their 767s because of unacceptable build issues, including foreign debris (aluminium rests and shavings) and forgotten tools flying around.
Growing up, I bought an Apollo 9 patch on ebay that I liked. I shortly after got an email from none other then John Bisney who said it was a variety he had never seen before and offered me a small sum for it. As a kid still using dial-up, it was quite the experience at the time!