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Helium network has been growing fast. Just crossed 20,000 hotspots and will probably reach 100,000 this year. It uses a crypto mining incentive so the network expands without any central corporation needing to spend a dime on infrastructure. People are already building cool IoT projects with it from adafruit kits.


This would be far better if the currency was used to pay for connectivity, and the router was reimbursed for routing.

Connectivity has a cost, and none of these networks will amount to anything unless the model can incentivize all aspects of the infrastructure necessary

Wow, I've never heard of this before but it sounds super interesting.

It's a copy of the open things network that lora such a rise in popularity. Now with "blockchain".

Looks like trying to use cryptocurrency mining to incentivize people running hotspots, which actually sounds like a useful application.

If I've learned anything from a masters degree in nuclear engineering, it's that the internet comments are always right on this topic.


Add me on epic: Rhett800cc

This sounds like Peppercoin, which Rivest founded in 2001: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppercoin

Maybe it's a tangent, but Overleaf is hands down one of my favorite services.

It follows UX designer, Bret Victor's suggestion that creators need to be able to see what they're creating. It also has a ton of convenient features like forking, auto-saves, and inviting people to edit through private links without requiring that your collaborators sign up for an account on Overleaf.

LaTex creates beautiful documents, but it was too difficult for me to use before Overleaf. Also, I only use the free version of Overleaf.

Thank you for creating Overleaf!

Thanks for this amazing comment! Overleaf definitely came from us solving a problem we had ourselves, and we've always continued to use it, which definitely helps you catch bugs and UX issues.

We've also hired a great team who have expanded on using Overleaf with clients -- for example, we use Overleaf for documentation when onboarding a new institution or publisher. It's really helped, and it's broadened out the type of feedback we receive too.

Thanks for using Overleaf! :)

"That figure has roughly doubled in the past five years"

So, 14 lines of code?

I looked into all the "Self-Hosted Heroku's" a few few months ago. One feature I found they all lacked is multitenancy, meaning that there is no security model in place to trust that you could host multiple pieces of code from different clients without them hacking each other.

I'm not talking about the deployment specifically, but rather isolating the code once it is deployed.

Am I missing something there?

You aren't missing something here, it's necessary for reasons best explained -- by way of slight analogy -- by Sir Humphrey Appleby:

> Jim Hacker: People can wait in the lobby. Or in the state rooms.

> Sir Humphrey Appleby: Some people. But some people must wait where other people cannot see the people who are waiting. And people who arrive before other people must wait where they cannot see the people who arrive after them being admitted before them. And people who come in from outside must wait where they cannot see the people from inside coming in to tell you what the people from outside have come to see you about. And people who arrive when you are with people they are not supposed to know you have seen must wait somewhere until the people who are not supposed to have seen you have seen you.

This is one of the priority engineering efforts for Cloud Foundry at the moment. People want it.

Disclosure: I work for Pivotal, the majority donor of engineering to Cloud Foundry. I guess that makes us competitors to Flynn.

Flynn's upcoming User/ACL model should cover multi-tenancy AFAIK.

Yeah, our security roadmap will get us to multi-tenancy eventually.

Due to the security posture of the Linux kernel, we won't recommend running untrusted code side-by-side on the same hosts as more sensitive workloads, but we plan to harden everything to the maximum extent possible.

I love github pages. Here is a web game I helped make, hosted entirely on github pages (made for the terrible ideas hackathon)

http://scrollscore.com/ "the more you scroll, the more you win!"


Thanks, Github, for making pages even better!

This is great. I mean, it's lousy and I am over it, but it is somehow perfect, in a Kantian way, as a thing unto itself.

1. concerns about HTTPS are legit.

2. I'd really rather see the $$$ you're making as my score, than this arbitrary number on the side.

3. let's get more/different ads up there!

You're requesting people to put their credit card info without having HTTPS enforced by default? Doesn't sound suspicious at all.

What year is this? How is this still a thing?

Like i said, it was made for a terrible ideas hackathon.

Also, if you look at the source, you'll see that the form doesn't actually post anywhere. It's a joke demo.

That's explains why my $1000 donation didn't go through

This needs a few layers of obnoxious javascript to put it over the top. Funny idea.

"The increase in Microsoft's annual revenue since Google was founded is still greater than Google's total annual revenue."


That statement was made about 18 months ago. It is no longer true. Microsoft's revenue in FY 1998 was $14.48 billion as per https://news.microsoft.com/1998/07/16/microsoft-posts-record... .

Last 12 months rev for G and M are $75 and $85.3 billion per Google finance.

edit: M's revenue had actually decreased $8 billion over the prior 12 months.

To start using the bot, just send a message to the page. It's not super clear if you haven't used a Facebook messenger app before, but this is all pretty new and Facebook is still in the beta period for messenger apps.

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