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The closest thing to this right now is solidjs. Super close to plain javascript but with tree shake build

Entity Framework Core has got you covered! Writing some LINQ and returning data in Aspnet Core API takes no time at all.

The golden times were 8-10 years ago, where you could change the order of keywords in google search and get more precise matches. Could find pretty much any obscure thing on the internet.

Then could find that article that you remember read 6 months ago by adjusting the keywords until it is on the first page.

Now it does not matter at all what you enter in the search box. No matter the inputs you get one set of results and will never find something specific.

VSCode has plugin for polyglot notebooks https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/polyglot

I moved to k6 - a tool meant for load tests but flexible and great for any kind of API tests. Great for any kind of scenarios as the tests are in javascript

Every Tesla employee is a share holder. What if this model is better?

The stock benefit could be written down in the collective bargaining agreement, or it could still be offered on top of it. Nothing prevents this. The whole "we offer better compensation than an agreement with the unions would" is always a lie that these companies tell. Klarna did the same. They've now signed a collective bargaining agreement and in 6 months they've forgotten this was ever an issue that they fought over, tooth and nail.

No, they're not. They have the option to buy stock at a discounted price.

Not sure about Sweden but in the US Tesla does RSU grants in addition to the standard ESPP plans as well

That sounds really subjective

Somewhat, but not entirely so. Managers can and should read git logs and bug tickets and design docs, and understand the architecture enough to have a reasonable sense of what the work entails. And managers should be engineers themselves and know that sometimes simple-looking work is actually very tricky… but at the same time it’s very unlikely that /every/ task looks like this.

I think they would rather leave some USB port available than let you wear down their chains

More likely that they'll upgrade the bikes to lock the chain/pedals if this becomes a problem.

Considering there's negligible tension on the chain when pedalling backwards it's not really going to have much of an effect. And the added gear ("jockey/pulley wheel") is plastic.

Elon was talking about Tesla car with FSD. Once Tesla does their part the car would become a valuable robotaxi capable of earning itself back in 1-2 years every year for a decade.

How about blocking outgoing mail to these domains? Let's assume there is no important e-mail business going on with Mali

It sounds like the DOD already does block emails to .ml because of this issue:

> Lt. Cmdr Tim Gorman [...] said that emails sent directly from the .mil domain to Malian addresses “are blocked before they leave the .mil domain and the sender is notified that they must validate the email addresses of the intended recipients”.

I think the issue is people sending emails from personal accounts that the DOD cannot control. The article also mentions travel agents as another source of the email.

>travel agents as another source of the email

Sales and travel agents, an IT depts worse nightmare. People too busy to double check anything are the fault of emails delivering to the wrong recipient.

Colour me surprised.

or just rewrite it. all .ml becomes .mil, and then have .mil run a relay if it was an actual email to .ml.

then make it part of any contract that if you do business for .mil, and you use microsoft/zoho/gsuite etc, that they automatically run a set of ".mil compliance settings" overlaid onto your tenant.

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