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The legislation is just about to change in that regard https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/vertraege-reklamat...

You can disable the default metrics by using the uninstrumented handler https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/promet...

It's a best practice to export all available metrics though, you'll likely run into situations where you'll need them. It's not that many time series exported by default which shouldn't cause any problems.



589: ^[378][12479]|00($|[369]|1[25])|55|2[347]

Please don't use different label names for the same information. Having both "2" as well as "ST2" in different context leads to confusion.

That was done because the labels are shown in different contexts. When there is a very small amount of space to show information, I use 2 if it is ST2 only, 3 if it is ST3 only, or nothing if it is compatible with both. However, when there is more room in the design, I use ST2, ST3 and ST2/3.

Additionally, I made pretty liberal use of the title attribute on the site. Most things that are not obvious can be hovered for more information.

So you're trying to tell me my phone isn't even the right device to make line comments in pull requests?

Sounds cool. I just added the License (MIT).


Cool to hear that there are real use cases for this hack. We currently depend on Apple's CoreAudio library, but we have some plans to switch to a more generic solution to support Debian/linux as well.

sick app bro i look cool sitting at my desk at work

Cool :) Please have a look at the README (https://github.com/grobie/soundcloud2000#installation).

And keep in mind that this is a hack version and still in alpha status. We'll add more features during the next days, including the ability to listen to something else than the hardcoded track list of Four Tet.

Awesome! Thanks for adding instructions.

You could do much worse than a hardcoded Four Tet tracklist, but I'm looking forward to listening to other stuff. :)

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