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"The vaccines provide nearly perfect protection against serious outcomes."

I am vaccinated, however, my young child is not. If I get a breakthrough case, I don't want to spread it to my kid. I know this is anecdotal, but... my wife's office just closed because of a breakthrough case, and another friend was recently exposed to someone with a breakthrough case.

Children are at exceptionally low risk from Covid. The data is simply overwhelming.


Can you expand on that? How do you get out of paying taxes?

Good tax planning make best use of 401k and other tax advantaged plans there are these Roth planes for example.

A FANG developer in London has even more opportunities

Max out your pension (Tax relief at 40%) plus presumably an employer match around 5-8%

Put £20k a year into a Stocks and Shares ISA - which puts that beyond tax for income and CGT (apart from stamp duty on share purchases)

Put £30k into premium bonds and than start thinking about VCT's and EIS

This is ignoring any shares scheme you are in

I think the 40% number is the point of contention. The highest tax bracket for 2019 is 37%, and that's a marginal rate, so no one is going to be paying 37% of ALL of their income. More likely it'll be in the range of 20-25% of all income.

You forgot about state tax in addition to federal taxes.

right, but federal, state, and FICA is still less than 40%

Not really. That's about what I paid last year.

It's about 38% last year on that gross, as I noted elsewhere (including FICA and state). But assuming no 401(k) or match isn't realistic either so it's actually lower.

I'm not really sure why you keep pushing back on all of this. It's just how the math works.

The short version is, if you make $300k year if you are careful with the money you can have 1 million in savings in (conservatively) 6-8 years just by doing the obvious things, assuming reasonably similar market conditions.

I paid 20% federal (effective) and something like 6% state (effective).

On average, the top quintile of earners pay 22.9% effective federal rate [1]. Take a look at your effective rates for 2019, I bet you pay less as a percent than you think.

[1] https://www.pgpf.org/sites/default/files/All-income-groups-p...

I know it would be nice to have it built in to GitHub, but you can try this as well: http://first-commit.com/ (and comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10610065)

I named my hobby HTTP2 server after that string in the connection header:


(obviously haven't had much time to work on it lately).

That is one of the main advantages of HTTP2 - it's called server push. When the server receives a request, it can send the headers for the requested resource plus the headers for as many related resources as it wants. The client can choose to either disable this, or reject pushed streams when it receives their headers.

I agree with you that this would be a great experiment. However, that won't stop any potential bias once they get the job.

simple. require everyone to work in cubicles that are closed off where your coworkers cant see you. all voice chats must be done without video and with voice modulation technology so that gender can not play a role. Also, the persons name must always be changed to J Smith to not hint at gender or race.

Or change the name 'J. Doe' so you can't even tell if they are alive or not.

Agreed, of course. But I still think it's a good idea to eliminate one opportunity for bias if we can.

  But in the last 12 years, I've seen it in a dozen cases...
Once a year, throughout the country? How many thousands of investigations are performed per year? Doesn't seem very likely to happen.

The sample was not "every federal investigation of the past 12 years".

How many thousands of investigations is he personally involved in per year? I'd guess something on the order of 0.05.

My point was that he's making it seem like this happens a lot without actually quantifying it. It seems misleading to me.

How is it misleading? He thinks it's happening a lot, and he says so. Not everything needs to be demonstrated to the standards of a mathematical proof.

Not to mention, I imagine they only play that card when it seems like they need to for one reason or another.

They play that card as a matter of course, because once they've got you for felony false statement, that's leverage to get you to play ball on the real reason they were talking to you in the first place.

"That's a nice, felony conviction-free life you've got there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it..."

More likely they do something similar relatively often and only spring the trap if they feel it necessary.

Yeah I didn't mean they don't trap you often, rather they don't have to use it that often--certainly not prosecute it often--and therefore the guy doesn't see it that often.

I should have made my opinion more clear, judging by the downvotes.

I think you're being a little harsh. S/he was listing things that are not essential to a college education. The second point is referring to a different type of college education - one that obviously needs the internet since it would exist on the internet.

Also, Wifi != internet access. You can get to the internet without Wifi.

How is using something from a TV show taking your self too seriously?

I agree with you, but I have trouble understanding the right way to implement "commands" like this - I must be thinking about it in the wrong way. How would you design a "real" REST interface for a command like this? What's the advantage a "real" REST interface gives you in this case?

Right. REST is about Transfering the State's REpresentation. In this case, we want to transfer an event ("honk!"). You could argue that we want to transfer a state transition ("begin honking"), and let some other process (the car) handle the next transition ("cease honking") independently, but that's forced, and in any case it's not RESTful either.

As far as I can tell, REST is appropriate in very few cases.... although it IS appropriate for more cases than it might first appear.

I don't know the whole state of the vehicle. I don't want to. So I'll use PATCH. I know I want the horn to be in a honking state and remain in that state for 1 second. The implementation is responsible for doing what it needs to do in order to get the resource into the state (or differential state in this case) I told it to take.

I'm not usually in favor of nested API design, but complex resources like cars make sense, so:

PATCH /vehicles/{id}/horn { "enabled": true, "timeRemaining": 1000 }

My initial thought would be that a request for a "honk action" is not idempotent, so it should be a POST.

You could do it as a PUT or PATCH, but you'd have to do it differently from in your example in order to preserve idempotence, due to the complications of working with time.

Remember, if the request successfully goes through twice that should have the same effect as if only the first succeeded. One way to accomplish that would be to give an absolute start and end time for honk to be on. e.g.,

PUT /vehicles/{id}/horn { "enabled": true, "time_start": "2014-04-12T20:12:36.1", "time_end": "2014-04-12T20:12:36.6"}

for a half-second honk.

There are some ways, I'm just thinking off the top of my head for one here.

If the resources of the car were mapped and had states it could work fine with a full REST interface. You could change the state of the horn like you change the state of a switch. You'd change the horn to be "on", not call some "turn it on" procedure.

They have some indications of that. There's a URL that returns the state of the vehicle (driving and position). That's something that could be mapped as a first-class citizen and someone could mess with it with the semantics of the verbs.

Commands are a much more RPC area though, REST doesn't map perfectly. You can almost always make a command into something of a resource state change, it just isn't always simpler. REST wouldn't give them much in this case as it's hard to imagine they'd make use of any of REST advantages. Not that there wouldn't be any technically (being able to evolve APIs without breaking clients is a pretty big advantage, plus plenty of other things), but that for their business it doesn't matter (they control every client).

You change the state of the horn to be on, but I'd imagine you might want the horn to automatically sound for a predefined length of time. Then the mapping is less obvious. Agreed that it doesn't really matter much in Tesla's case anyway.

You're still changing its state. If you have one horn you can do whatever you want with it, just like a normal person would. What the client does with a resource is only limited by the API, REST doesn't care what the messages contain. The semantic of the message is up to the API to resolve, you could encode that "stay on for 10 seconds" however you wanted.

(That said, they should definitely use POST here!)

Exactly -- where does something that is designed for "state transfer" get you when the goal is to only temporarily modify a state/send a command that modifies internal state for X amount of time, not really "transfer" one at all? REST maps very nicely to CRUD operations, but not to this.

Sure, but maybe you could think of POSTing to /honks as "creating a honk."

This would make sense if you wanted to GET /honks and see a collection of previous honks. (Modifying an existing honk doesn't make sense, so we wouldn't have to worry about it.)

I think this interpretation is the best fit. Similarly PUT would be appropriate for requests where you are specifying the time that the honk should occur, which would make them idempotent.

I wouldn't mind performing GET /vehicle/{id}/honks?since={time}&limit=1000 to see an indicator of how aggressively my car has been driven. Especially if somebody else is driving it.

You would use RPC.

This. While this API is not RESTful at all, that's just a nomenclature problem; it's totally fine as an API [1]. RPC is perfectly appropriate for a wide range of problems and there's no need to shoehorn every application into REST just because people say It's the Thing to Do. I could imagine a RESTful API for this, as people have above, and it might work well. But it isn't some sort of obvious best practice.

[1] Except that it really ought to use POST.

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