Sigh. I feel your pain. They've deleted the Python SDK unanounced from Github two weeks ago. Not really responsible if you consider there were dozens of watchers and possibly at least as many other sites / projects depending on it. (Also that's ignoring the fact that their docs state 90 days warning period :()
Pretty much anything can be swapped out with custom code. Need a custom auth backend? Just write a class. Need custom session backends? Just write a class. Need to customise a certain view of an application? Just override the url. Don't like the ORM? Just use something else. Have special caching needs? Write a backend.
A look at the release notes are full of good things and following them is definitely worth it. Since 1.3 you've got class based views that make it dead easy to create RESTful views for example. There's new logging support, you can have multiple databases with different backends.
The community is pretty much dead.
It's true that there was a lot more blogging happening in the earlier days. I suspect that the community is simply busy building new things - but a look at the CheeseShop shows on any day a healthy amount of new and updated Django components. Right now there are 7 Django projects on the main page.
All my Django projects ended up being a big mess, and I had to undjango my way out of the various restrictions it placed on me.
I'm a big fan of how Django creates structure through its applications. It makes it very easy to build parts of functionality on a plug and play basis and use them across projects.
Django offers a lot of functionality and it can be difficult to pick the right ones being a newcomer. But once you get the hang around applications and repositories and start working with "advanced" Django and Python features and apps like the built in signals, Celery, Fabric, GUnicorn, etc building and deploying apps becomes a breeze.
We've adopted a way that allows us to do basically this: "File", (err, file)->
openMenu err, (err, menu)->
getItem err, "Open", (err, item)->
click err, item, (err)->
getChild err, getChildType("Window"), (err, dialog)->
if err? and err instanceof NoFileError
# do stuff
if err? and err instanceof InvalidClickError
# do other stuff
if err?
throw err
# do stuff with dialog if no err
Each function takes as first argument an error and as last a callback. If there's
an error, the function just passes the error up the callback stack until it gets
dealed with.
fun = (err, args..., callback)
You can't pull that off if your code is heavily object oriented though: "File", (err, file)->
# If errors, file is undefined
# and the call to openMenu throws an error
file.openMenu err, (err, menu)->
# ...
Breaking your code/api up with modules instead into classes fixes that.
Hm yeah. I second that. My votes didn't have an effect on anything for a couple of months now, which is very disappointing when coming across good stories and comments. Voting degraded for me just to keep bookmarks around in my saved stories. :(
Your "26 point" comment would be discarded as an extreme. There's also a delay (a day?) til averages are recalculated, so your present "5 point" comment wouldn't be included yet.
edit Typos, writing on the phone and it's late.