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IRC is great and you can do SSL connections and also encrypted DCC transfers on some servers (Abjects/#moviegods, for example)

However actually establishing those DCC connections in the first place might need some configuration in a typical consumer internet setup?

I've been playing with the idea of adding IRC support to my prototype Matrix WebRTC transfer tool mxrxtx, but I haven't touched that for a while.. And I wouldn't have any use for it anyway.

That's mostly due to NAT.

When we have some more widespread IPv6 adoption we could (and should already) look into supporting IPv6 with DCC, that would make it function properly and dare-I-say would be excellent from a UX perspective.

with ipv6 there's still a firewall on the border router that will prevent incoming connections reaching your local machine's random ports

this is entirely a client problem, even with NAT there's no reason the IRC client couldn't do DCC using modern style hole punching (with the IRC server mediating)

I disagree, anything that requires Peer-to-peer needs to be considered, so firewalls will always support some kind of upnp.

Else the gamers and the people who rely on voip are going to go ballistic.

both games and voip have used STUN for the past decade or so

It could be the future—unless non-permissive firewall configurations ruin it.

ooh, mxrxtx sounds interesting - is this solving https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec/issues/189?

Yes, I think it solves that as-is.

But I'm hoping a future version of it would also solve some other scenarios, like when I share a file from a mobile to a room it would leverage an already running desktop session with better battery and better connectivity.

Another axis is providing a well-tested specficiations and providing it as a library that could be easily integrated into apps.

I have a TLA+ spec of the existing solution, so I hope the "next" version would also be as precisely specified, probably using Quint.

And this is how good old services, protocols and standards get enshittified. Welcome to HTTP(S) v121.99.5146.

You don't actually need HTTP(S) to make use of WebRTC, though, if that's what you were implying.

For data transmission WebRTC layers on top of SRTP and the developer just needs to provide a way to pass the handshake data over some medium; could be an HTTP server, could be a Matrix room, could be an IRC channel (or PRIVMSG). And in the worst case it can also use STUN or TURN to solve the NAT issue which DCC makes zero attempts to.

Perhaps you can clarify what you mean by enshittification? I suppose the reality with NAT isn't the great, but it's not really about protocols but the way systems end up being built.

> You don't actually need HTTP(S) to make use of WebRTC, though, if that's what you were implying.

I wasn't aware that WebRTC can use other transports, but that wasn't the point. It was about the embrace-extend-extinguish of IRC protocol. I'm OK with embrace. I'm NOT OK with extend. It leads to extinguish.

> I suppose the reality with NAT isn't the great, but it's not really about protocols but the way systems end up being built.

How many GB of nodejs or some other crap need to be imported just to solve a NAT problem? It's just a text messenger FFS! Why can't you just document which are the incoming ports and let the user decide the forwarding or firewall setup, like we did for the last 25 years?? And why put WebRTC in a text messenger? That's for video calls.

You can use https://github.com/paullouisageneau/libdatachannel for your C/C++ integration needs. It's 10k lines. So the answer is 0. Its required dependencies (I assume this as they are git submodules in deps) are more than 100k lines, though, srtp support making the bulk of it. On my machine it took 11 seconds to compile it.

Irssi is 64k lines (plus its dependencies), so I guess that makes WebRTC complicated.

Can't argue that DCC isn't simple, but perhaps the protocol deviced decades ago is a bit too simple.

Each protocol serves a purpose - it's ORIGINAL purpose. To extend it like this means to degrade it's original usefulness, make it complicated to create new implementations and it won't even compete with a new protocol specifically designed for the new purpose. All this leads to "extinguish" phase.

IRC was implemented in probably hundreds of programs (many/most from scratch, not by importing the same library!). There's even an implementation for Arduino! It's a successful protocol as it is now. Could you run it on Arduino if it had WebRTC in it?

Probably not, but is it worth starting new projects with 16-bit MCUs in the year 2024? 32-bit MCUs are cheap and plentiful in offering.

I realize the IRC protocol is easy to implement (though the protocol itself has flaws that make it difficult e.g. to identify which message is a response to your query, IRC3 addresses this) and I too have done it in the past, but I see zero reasons to embrace it today.

Zero reasons to transform it into a video conferencing app, too. <sarcasm> We have Teams. </sarcasm>

Except it directly reveals your IP to the other peer. Might as well share a magnet link.

Though I would indeed like direct file transfer for more usual purposes in other chat clients. Would be great with Matrix/Element.

You connect to a server, not a peer. Your client does no uploading.

The client receiving will connect to the one sharing the file. Routing the data through the IRC network would be unreasonable. This reveals your IP, which is kinda bad.


DCC stands for Direct Client to Client

LoL... sharing your IP with a hacked server doesn't really affect me... but when I use magnets links from my home IP, I keep being harassed by Comcast.

What's the percentage of Wikipedia that was created by "notable" people?

From airplanes, you get the lead from their fuel

Only very small piston airplanes, and the need fuel is being phased out. Areas immediately surrounding heavily used ga airports are occasionally seeing elevated levels but it's not a particularly potent source for the public. The issue is mostly employees at the airport being exposed while fueling and performing maintenance.

why are they still using it?

They want a perfect changeover where new fuel can run in old engines. Problem is general aviation is stick in the 1950s, and dont want to have to replave their valve seats with hardened ones.

Partly because boomers, partly because the FAA is bad at their jobs.

Why are those things important? I think the most important things when talking about the web are huge corporations and innovators.

Because the idea the web has a single root in Berners-Lee and that he is definitional for what the web "is" is a bit of a false meme. The roots of these concerns about controls, corporates proceed the web, and were always latent in the web, once it went beyond CERN. He gave birth to a body of code and a protocol and it very rapidly moved beyond his immediate control. The fact that we almost never got access to a read-write framework and it became read-only for most people except behind CGI gated commentaries, the absence of the engagement he wanted, was there in the 0.9 web, not something which emerged in the 1.0 web (ie, almost nobody ever experienced active annotation aspects)

Otherwise importance is personal. They're important to me as a historical bread-crumb trail. They inform.

Most gopher and wais information emerged into web rapidly. The controls behind the gopher and wais information did not emerge into some new nirvana, web was an access method, overwhelmingly read-mostly.

Look in strict literal terms of course it roots in TBL. You can't deny history. The question is what context that lies in. And the context is that to do HTML and HTTP TBL and his related involved people looked at SGML and other things like the Diamond system from BBN (not for a minute do I think that was the progenitor) or Hypercards. They didn't do web in a vacuum.

breathing any kind of dust is usually bad for you... even wood saw dust.

What about tire dust?

There must be a bug in this generator because I keep seeing those long lines of same-color pixels... pseudo-random, maybe?

Should have used the lava-lamp number generator.......

gmail's web interface turned to shit because of this... not sure why they push those changes to production though...

Because we have to justify the existence of all of those over paid product managers.

BuT tHe DaTa SaYs We NeEd a Ux ChAnGe

One thing that's not going to change is that things will keep changing for no good reasons because engineers need something to do.

Probably won't work, but since you can search for the number you want with Gvoice, did you try re-registering it?

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