I think because real estate investors have enough capital to take over cool areas.
A stark counterexample is Japan where you can own a freestanding house in a dense urban environment near public transit for $300k -- what would that cost you in London, NYC, Berlin? It seems like Japan is one of the few major cities where you could have a large family (or large studio) and live an urban life -- everywhere else you are stuck with a 2BR or 3BR apt (if your rich).
I just checked and if you want to be technical it's "move to normally, could move to during a capture if a piece was there, or holds a piece you could capture".
Pawns are the only case that where those three are different but they see all three:
- directly in front (move)
- forward-diagonal (normal attack)
- horizonal exactly only in the case of a enemy pawn moved to that square last turn that can be taken en-passant (capture). That square goes dark if you move another piece.