Hey I know this is late but I just got an email back from "O'Keeffe, Hope loke@loc.gov" that just says it's based on a commercial system that is "out of support" and not available.
I know this is late but I just got an email back from "O'Keeffe, Hope loke@loc.gov" that says it's based on a "commercial system" that is "out of support" and not available.
Same principle: The original Tron being essentially impossible to find (I think I saw a DVD for like $300 on ebay) on any service... until... The Tron: Legacy blu-rays came out. Then suddenly, the original Tron is easy to find. And the crappy 480p torrent that I may or may not have downloaded now may or may not have been replaced with a (purchased!) 1080p rip.